Steve Helms Reports Sharron Angle's Campaign Manager to Speak to Missouri Republican Assembly
Steve Helms is a busy man. In addition to being the Greene County Circuit Clerk, is also the publisher, editor, main reporter, typesetter, layout/graphic design, advertising director, and chief cook and bottlewasher of the Springfield Gazette, published this in the latest edition:
The Missouri Republican Assembly (MRA), a member of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, is a grassroots organization dedicated to uniting conservatives, promoting conservatism in the tradition of the Founding Fathers, electing conservative Republicans and to watchdog elected officials and insure their adherence to conservative principles.Doesn't the guy have a name?
In the recent Nevada senatorial race, Sharron Angle almost upset the sitting Senate majority leader and multi-term incumbent, Harry Reid. At our January 8, 2011 meeting, Sharron Angle’s campaign manager will speak to us on lessons learned, voter fraud and the conservative movement.
Join us on Saturday, January 8, 2011, at 9:30 am at the Library Center on south Campbell for a truly great meeting. - End
Next Meeting: Sharron Angle’s Campaign Manager
Do a Google search for "Sharron Angle's campaign manager Terry Campbell" (as I write this, the tv is speaking of a poll that indicates 66% of republicans in Nevada think Angle was too crazy to be elected).

Here is just a snippling of the comments about this guy (he's from Springfield):
1. From Politico:
The Tea Party nominated Republican Sharon Angle to run against Senate Leader Harry Reid in Nevada. Instead of hiring a professional campaign manager and team to run her campaign in the general election, she stuck with her old friend, Terry Campbell. Like Angle and too many Tea Party candidates in 2010, Campbell proved to be out of his league and ran a dysfunctional campaign, reports Shira Toeplitz in Angle's campaign sank candidate.
“If they were filming a sequel to the movie ‘Dumb and Dumber,’ Terry Campbell would have a feature role," Chris LaCivita, political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee during the campaign told Politico. "In the 20 years that I’ve been involved politially, I’ve never had the misfortune of working with such sheer, utter incompetence."
2. From Nuclear Town Hall
Campbell, who had been with Angle for more than a decade, ran a two-man operation out of his living room in Columbia, Missouri, visiting Nevada only irregularly. He elected to have knee surgery shortly after Angle won the nomination, leaving the campaign in limbo just as Reid began a full-court press labeling the Tea Party novice as an "extremist."
In one incident that seems to typify the conflict, Campbell allegedly initiated a behind-the-scenes campaign to cancel a visit from 2008 Presidential candidate John McCain even as McCain was in the air on his way to Nevada. Only at the last minute did Angle consent to have McCain campaign on her behalf. In another flumox, Campbell allegedly called national Republican headquarters for help in deflecting a campaign visit from President Obama two days after the President had already made the appearance.
3.From the
Terry Campbell, a former state legislator who had worked with Angle on campaigns in the past, helped her secure the Republican nomination in 2010. But according to Politico, the big-time GOP operatives that moved in for her battle with Democratic candidate Harry Reid say Campbell had little command of day-to-day operations and pushed bizarre tactics.
Republican campaigners assisting with the campaign said Campbell aligned himself with the Tea Party activists staffing the Las Vegas campaign office, an outpost so idiosyncratic that some campaign personnel referred to it, rather poetically, as the "Island of Misfit Toys." Angle and Campbell saw eye to eye on ideology, however, which may have accounted for her persistent faith in him, despite his apparent shortcomings.
4. Nevada News and Views:
Campbell was further described as “consistently unaware” of the daily goings-on in the campaign, “including the cash-on-hand situation and which advertisements were on the air.” Staffers on the campaign report that Campbell’s voice-mail boxes were always full and he wouldn’t answer emails for days. Not good in this age of 24/7 campaigning.
To give you a further idea of just how clueless and incompetent this guy was, the story notes that Campbell called the NRSC in July “to inquire if it had heard anything about the president coming to the state and attacking Angle – two days after President Barack Obama visited Nevada to campaign for Reid.”
Not very flattering, no wonder Helms doesn't mention the guy's name.
In google searching images for Terry Campbell Sharron Angle, Springfield City Councilman Nick Iberra's photo kept showing up.
"Doesn't the guy have a name?"
The MRA website doesn't even disclose his name.
I do wish the Springburg Gazette had a letters to the editor section.
Steve's byline "We Need a Hero, besides the tasteful graphics, offered this Norm Crosby moment:
"The cost of healthcare is out of control. Unfortunately, it is exasperated by the very laws and systems..." yada yada
I think what we really, really need is an editor. Or an enema. Or both.
The employees at the courthouse say Helms, when he is there, hides in his office and works on Springburg and has nothing to do with the running of the office and courts system.
The judges rely on another person for leadership and liason with the Circuit Clerk's office.
anon 9:08-- maybe our new presiding commissioner can eliminate his job and hire three more deputies?
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