Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Springfield News-Leader calls out politician who used office to threaten others.
In an opinion piece in this morning's the editorial board of Springfield News-Leader called out politicians who use their public office to threaten threaten those who criticize them.
The subheading says it best: Lawmaker's effort to punish for opinions is a dangerous step
The editorial board writes: "If he is so thin-skinned that he cannot handle some healthy criticism, he should get out of public office. If he would use that public office to punish anyone who criticizes him, he should rethink his public service."
You guys talking about Billy Long?
Where was the editorial board when Billy Long was using his public office to turn over to FBI agents the names of those who wrote blog posts criticizing him?
From the bus barn, January 14, 2011: Billy Long and plausible deniability: Did Billy Long give the F.B.I. and Sheriff Arnott a list of names of those who publicly criticized Long?
When this story broke last night, news reports quoted Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott as saying that Long's office provided him with a list of people who "were worrisome to Long" and that "that the FBI was preparing to visit other bloggers in the area."
Where was the editorial board when Billy Long threatened to withhold services to constituents who attended a meeting on the closure of the USPS Processing Center in Springfield?
From the bus barn, January 5, 2012: You CAN catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. but DON'T lie to use Billy Long, don't threaten us either!
You catch a lot more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. So, when you tell stories about me through some of your representatives that I want to privatize the Postal Service, which is an out and out lie, that doesn't help you any with me or my office. So....
Now that sounds like a threat to me.
Apparently the editorial board thinks it is ok for a politician to threaten other people but when they (the editorial board) feel threatened then it becomes worthy of an opinion piece.
I'm throwing the BS flag on this one.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Camping south of Chadwick
Monday, March 26, 2012
Billy Long luncheon speaker for Private Law Librarians
Speech topic "How a bill becomes a law in real life or how much it costs to drop a bill."
Private Law Librarians Summit Luncheon speaker announced
March 21, 2012
The Summit Luncheon speaker will be Congressman Billy Long, a freshman legislator from Missouri. Congressman Long recently wowed the crowd at the Washington Press Club Foundation dinner. He will speak on How a Bill Becomes Law – In Real Life! Watch for details later.
We would like to extend a special thanks to Thomson Reuters for sponsoring the PLL Summit Luncheon and speaker.
Your luncheon speaker Billy Long
From: Jim Lee
To: Steven A. Lastres Chair of PLL.
Dear Mr. Lastres,
I received the following google alert regarding your AALL12PLL Summitt Luncheon speaker Billy Long.
I am a constituent of Mr. Long and was amused by the topic of Mr. Long's proposed speech: HOw a bill becomes a law in real life.
You may be interested in knowing that last March, Long co-sponsored a bill because Peter King asked him to, Long later said he didn't know what was in the bill. When bloggers broke the story, the SN-L interviewed Long: "But when asked about the provision in the bill that would sell off the frequency used by amateur radio operators, Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to and because the bill is supported by many organizations that are committed to public safety, something he values."
Last April, in an appearance before the Joplin Tea Party (Long told NPR he was 'tea party before tea party was cool'*) in Joplin, MO "The National Auctioneer's Association called the office and they said, "We want you to proclaim the third Saturday in April, which a lot of states already have an auctioneer's day, a lot of cities already have an auctioneer's day. They say, "We'd like for you to 'drop that bill'." The NAA was a major contributor to Long's campaign, giving $5,000 in June 2010 and another $5,000 after Billy dropped the bill.
Read more here:
Jim Lee
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----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Google Alerts
Sent: Mon, March 26, 2012 6:08:24 PM
Subject: Google Alert - "Billy Long"
Web 1 new result for "Billy Long"
AALL12 PLL Summit Luncheon speaker Congressman Billy Long
AALL12 PLL Summit Luncheon speaker Congressman Billy Long (7th MO) will speak on how a bill becomes law in real life!!/AALL2012/status/182803319595601920
*Running as a "tea party" candidate, Long told NPR shortly after he was elected, that he "was tea party before tea party was cool." Long has distanced himself from the tea party in Washington (most likely on the advice of Roy Blunt, his predecessor) but still promotes his involvement when he returns to the district.
"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain." Online registration for Billy Long "Meet and Greet" now open
Remember when Billy Long told us if we were truly fed up with D.C. politicians and their cronies AND if we gave him his vote he'd go to Washington and do the right thing for the right reasons?
Remember when Long decided he couldn't chance live townhall meetings with constituents in MO7 and would only do tele-townhalls? (We all remember what happened when Billy appeared live at the USPS Processing Center meeting.)
Billy Long, our congressman who "ain't afraid of nobody" and who doesn't allow himself to be questioned by constituents ain't afraid to meet with lobbying law firm K & L Gates in D.C.
K&L Gates represents capital markets participants and global corporations, growth and middle-market companies, and entrepreneurs as well as public sector entities.
The American Lawyer’s 2005 "Corporate Scorecard" ranked the firm as the leader among all firms in representation of fund clients in the mutual fund industry, and it is a leader in municipal finance, PIPE, private equity, and venture capital transactions.
Billy Long DOESN'T hold LIVE TOWNHALL MEETINGS IN MO7 but he does meet with D.C. lawyers and lobbyists representing venture capitalists!
On the webpage announcing the Congressional Meet & Greet is registration form. --
Congressman Billy Long (R-MO)
April 26, 2012
8:30 a.m. EDT
K&L Gates' Washington, D.C. office
1601 K Street NW
Washington, DC
I encourage ALL bus riders to register for the event! Let's show Billy Long just how FED UP we are with his actions as our congressman!
I did it and I received this response:
Thank you for your response. If you are able to join us for our event, we look forward to seeing you. Otherwise, we hope to see you at another event soon.

"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain."
Friday, March 23, 2012
Congressman Billy Long is a liar. Date set for Springfield Postal Processing Center Closing:
The SN-L's Mike Penprase wrote this news article that is on the online edition of the Springfield News-Leader: Union:Date set for Springfield Postal Processing Center closing:
Postal workers have been told the Springfield mail distribution and processing center will close on Feb 9, 2013, American Postal Workers Union local president Bruce Lincoln said Friday.It was at this meeting that Congressman Long said:
Lincoln said the formal announcement will come after a moratorium on plans to close around 250 processing centers around the United States ends on May 15...
Asked about reports that a closing date for the facility has been set, Rep. Billy Long’s office issued a statement from the congressman.
“I am deeply disappointed with the decision by the United States Postal Service,” Long stated. “As I have said all along, I want to make sure the Springfield Processing and Distribution Center got a fair shake during the evaluation process. I do not believe it did.”Long indicated he has a number of questions about the closing plan.
“I am not pleased with the Postal Service’s process and their apparent lack of care and concern,” Long commented. “I still have many questions left unanswered, such as why the Postal Service wants to close a facility in the fastest growing part of the state, and that is why I have asked the Postal Service Inspector General to conduct an investigation."
Long was among a crowd of around 300 people who attended a Postal Service meeting earlier this year about the closing plan.
You catch a lot more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. So, when you tell stories about me through some of your representatives that I want to privatize the Postal Service, which is an out and out lie, that doesn't help you any with me or my office. So....Billy Long is a liar.
On June 10, 2010 Long signed his name signifying his agreement with this statement: "I will support legislation aimed at protecting taxpayers by privatizing government-sponsored corporations and enterprises such as the United States Postal Service, the housing government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the Tennessee Valley Authority."
Further, Long added the following handwritten comment: "Entities like the USPS,Fannie and Freddie are proven economic failures that operate at losses constantly. Service and profitability would be enhanced by privatization."
Read this bus post about Billy's lies: You CAN catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar
Billy Long WROTE IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING "..the USPS...would be enhanced by privatization."
You catch a lot more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. So, when you tell stories about me through some of your representatives that I want to privatize the Postal Service, which is an out and out lie, that doesn't help you any with me or my office. So....
We know Long is lying when he denies wanting to privatize the USPS, but what does he mean when he says "that doesn't help you any with me or my office"? That if you hold him accountable he won't help you? Sure seems like it.
Watch and listen as Billy Long tells a bald-faced lie:
Billy Long is a liar. Was he lying when he wrote in June 2010 that he wanted to privatize the postal service? Was he lying when he told attendees at an event last April not to believe everything you read in the paper? Was he lying when he said we need to protect social security and then voted for the Paul Ryan budget? Was he lying when he said he wanted to go to Washington and wouldn't be influenced by career politicians and their cronies? Was he lying when he denied calling Obama a racial slur?
If a politician will lie to us to get elected he will lie to us when elected.
Billy Long is a liar.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Important information every voter should know.
Ozark Technical College instructor Jeff Wisdom has announced his candidacy for District 1 Associate Commissioner of Greene County.
From Wisdom's press release:
Springfield, MO, Wednesday, March 14 - Jeff Wisdom, Republican candidate for Greene County Associate Commissioner, issued the following statement this afternoon:
Today, I have filed to run for Greene County Associate Commissioner in District 1, which encompasses the communities of Battlefield, Republic, Willard, and Ash Grove, in addition to western precincts of Springfield. I will challenge the incumbent associate commissioner for the Republican nomination in the August primary election...
I hold undergraduate degrees in political science and economics, along with graduate degrees in economics and education. I have served in various capacities within higher education for two decades, teaching economics at the college level for the past sixteen years. I am currently an instructor on the Springfield campus of Ozarks Technical Community College....In the next few months, I look forward to the opportunity of visiting with Greene County voters to outline my vision for a stronger and safer community.
OTC Employee Handbook Section 2.49, page 21:
As an individual, each employee retains all the rights and obligations of citizenship provided in the Constitution and laws of the state of Missouri and the Constitution and laws of the United States of America.
However, no employee shall:
A. Take any active part in managing a campaign, or campaign for political office or otherwise engage in political activity while on duty or within any period of time during which he/she is expected to perform services for which he receives compensation from the College;
B. Otherwise use the authority of his/her position or utilize College funds, supplies, or vehicles to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue in a partisan election involving candidates for office or party nominations, or affect the results thereof;
C. Use any promise or personal preferential treatment or threat of loss to encourage or coerce any employee to support or contribute to any political issue, candidate, or party;
D. Take part in the management of the campaign for the election or defeat of candidates for the Board of Trustees.
Will Wisdom give up his instructor's position at OTC to campaign for Associate Commissioner? One reading of OTC policy seems to indicate he can't run (remember Cliff Davis'1998 house campaign). The other reading seems to be that Wisdom is free to do what he wants outside of his class hours and posted office hours.
Hey! What about the other candidate for the other Associate Commissioner spot- Steve Helms. Will he give up the Circuit Clerk position to campaign for Associate Commissioner?
I am veteran, not only of the Army, but also of state and county political campaigns. I know first hand the amount of time, energy and money it takes to run for office.
The idea that a person can do justice to a full time job while campaigning successfully is laughable.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Gannett lays off 20,000 workers, CEO gets $32 million serverance package.
From Nation of Change comes this story by Travis Waldron: Newspaper Giant Gives CEO $32 Million Severance Package after Laying Off 20,000 Workers in Six Years:
When Craig Dubow resigned as CEO of the nation’s largest newspaper conglomerate amid health problems last year, he ended a six-year stint that “was, by most accounts, a disaster.” Gannett, the parent company of the USA Today and 80 other American newspapers, had seen its revenue plummet $1.7 billion and its stock price fall 86 percent, from $72 a share to just over $10.
To counter those losses, Gannett shed jobs, and a lot of them. Industry estimates say the company has laid off at least 20,000 workers since 2005, reducing its workforce from 52,000 to roughly 32,000. Despite those losses, Gannett awarded Dubow a severance package worth $32 million, NPR reports:
Dubow’s final compensation package includes $12.8 million in retirement benefits, $6.2 million in disability benefits, and a $5.9 million severance payment, according to the filing. Gannett stock options and restricted stock, which Dubow had accrued during his years of employment with the company, were also part of the package. Those stock awards are valued at nearly $7 million.
Separately, Gannett will pay $25,000 to $50,000 annually for a $6.2 million life insurance policy covering Dubow and another $70,000 annually for benefits such as health insurance, home computer and secretarial assistance and financial counseling. He will receive most of these benefits for three years unless he goes to work for a competitor, according to the filing.
The lavish severance package Gannett is giving Dubow stands in stark contrast with how it treated many of the 20,000 employees it let go. After giving severance packages to employees during early rounds of layoffs (a common industry practice), Gannett decided in 2009 that it would no longer offer such packages, instead paying supplemental unemployment benefits that shifted most of the costs to states. At the time, Gannett claimed the decision would help many employees get more than they would from severance. But for those who worked or free-lanced at other jobs, that meant they’d get much less — and perhaps nothing at all.
“Craig championed our consumers and their ever-changing needs for news and information,” the chair of Gannett’s board of directors said when his retirement was announced in October. The question, as former reporter Peter Lewis asked at the time, is how exactly Dubow served consumers or his employees. “They laid off journalists. They cut the pay of those who remained, while demanding that they work longer hours. They closed news bureaus. They slashed newsroom budgets,” Lewis wrote on his blog. “As revenue fell, and stock prices tanked, and product quality deteriorated, they rewarded themselves huge pay raises and bonuses.”
Friday, March 16, 2012
March 16, 1968
I remember this well. March 16, 1968. We were all a little bit crazy then.
War sucks, period. I watched a snake crawl on the edge of a straight razor.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
How to set your atomic clock for Daylight Saving Time
1. Remove the battery from the battery compartment for 30 seconds and then re-install.
2. Press the SET button for a few seconds until the hour starts flashing in the display.
3. Press the ADJUST button to set the hour.
4. Use the SET and ADJUST button to set the rest of the time and date. The setting sequence is hour-minute-second-month-date-year.
5. Press the MODE button to exit the setting mode.
1. Press the MODE button to enter the Alarm Time Mode.
2. Press the SET button to change the time zone.
3. Press the MODE button to exit.
If I help just one person set their atomic clock then my life will truly be a purpose-driven life.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Last Thursday, March 1, 2012, I was cleaning up my google accounts and I deleted several unused email addresses.
In doing so I deleted my primary account and this blog.
It was horrible!
But we're back now!
And I am sooo HAPPY!