"Fiscally Untenable...Pure Fantasy"
"That fair tax scares me, Daddy. Those fair tax people scare me too."
From Fired Up Missouri:
A new letter to Auditor Tom Schweich from former Governor John Ashcroft's Commissioner of Administration, Jim Moody, slams Rex Sinquefield's initiative petitions to hike the state's sales tax as "fiscally untenable" proposals that would bankrupt the state or Missouri's middle and working classes.
Moody writes
We will begin our analysis with some words of caution for you, and suggestions for the questions that you should ask in every phrase of your analysis. We believe that a sound analysis by your office will reach the conclusion that we have reached--that is, all of these petitions are fiscally untenable. They will either bankrupt the state, or in the alternative, bankrupt the poor and the working lower or middle income classes.
The first page of Moody's letter is below, the rest of it is here

Fired Up concludes
Sinquefield is obviously a major GOP donor -- and provided financial backing for Schweich in his 2010 campaign - and the Auditor's actions on these petitions will provide an early indication of whether he can be the independent and honest official he promised to be (when he wasn't promising to be a hyper-partisan auditor, of course).
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