Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rowe Retires

The SN-L is reporting that Springfield Police Chief Lynn Rove will retire in January, 2010.

Reporter Amos Bridges reports that Rowe, 65, said he plans to stay in Springfield and to pursue some "new challenges" and opportunities but was not yet ready to announce specific plans.

New challenges and opportunities -- does this mean, ala Harold Bengsch -- a foray into politics?
Perhaps city council? No...too closely tied to police department. State representative? possible I don't know what district he lives in. State representative may be too low level of a job after being top dog in the PD. Say, how about state senator? Is Lowe gunning for state senator? Will Dixon have a primary? Or maybe Presiding Commisioner? Will Viebrock have a primary?

Say, remember this?

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