Rolling Stone does long piece on Mitt Romney and Bain Capital
Rolling Stone magazine, and Matt Taibbi, today published a lengthy article on Mitt Romney Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital:
The incredible untold story of the 2012 election so far is that Romney's run has been a shimmering pearl of perfect political hypocrisy, which he's somehow managed to keep hidden, even with thousands of cameras following his every move. And the drama of this rhetorical high-wire act was ratcheted up even further when Romney chose his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin – like himself, a self-righteously anal, thin-lipped, Whitest Kids U Know penny pincher who'd be honored to tell Oliver Twist there's no more soup left. By selecting Ryan, Romney, the hard-charging, chameleonic champion of a disgraced-yet-defiant Wall Street, officially succeeded in moving the battle lines in the 2012 presidential race.Read the full article in Rolling Stone
btw, my congressman, Billy Long MO7 (he of "FED UP" fame), his appearance with Grover Norquist at the Tampa Comedy Club last night notwithstanding, is NOT one of the 23 funniest people in American, as featured on the cover of the Rolling Stone, as much as he wants to be.
Ah jeez.

Do you think your resume will ever come close to the life story and accomplishments of Billy Long? Just how long will I have to live to see it?
tell me more....
To have a resume like Long's, Busplunge would have had to have been born on third base, dedicated his life to ripping off people in dire straits under the guise of being a friendly auctioneer, drop about 50 point on his IQ, gain about 200 lbs. and lie through his teeth about his political opponents.
Sad to think you think there is something impressive about this yahoo.
This yahoo had to bear the blunt of the 'chubby' kid jokes and pokes while at Greenwood; found at Missouri University he couldn't cut it; decided to attend a blue-collar career training program to become an auctioneer; married a delightfull woman and raised two sharp and sweet girls, (that alone ought to count for something); passed his real-estate license; and then went on to build two of the largest and most successful businesses in their category, an auction house and real estate firm; branched into talk radio where he built a following of like-minded followers; ran for his first office and was elected to the esteemed office of 7th District Congressman; and, got 59% of the Primary Election vote in August. This may not be very impresive according to your standards but he did all of this while the rest of us have been satisfied to ride the bus. Keep poking your keyboards and paying your taxes folks, this is entertainment for me. Ah jeez.
Billy, is that you? Because nobody can like that mindless wonder that much.
More like a one of his staff. Billy doesn't know his made up bio that well.
Like if I was Billy, down in Tampa, I'd be paying attention to this peanut gallery. You folks really are an ego driven bunch, ain't ya?
@5:19, you must know Billy pretty well, but, you left out a few things.
For years he has donated money and time, especially using his auction skills, to support the Boys & Girls Club; The Junior League; the Ozark Empire Fair Gala; the American Cancer Society's Cattle Barron's Ball; The Skaggs Hospital Foundation; The Ronald McDonald House; The Children's Miracle Network; CoxHealth programs; numerous youth baseball, soccer, Mighty Mite football and the Bass Pro 'Take a Kid Fishin' program; his church; is constantly reaching into his pocket to give cash to people who need $20 or more; and has a healthy cut of steak named for him at the Metro Grill;and he's a pretty good fisherman. So what if he occasionaly fires up a stogie and plays poker with his friends. That is better recreation than what some people do requiring hand lotion. I could go on but the peanut gallery has trouble understanding.
Who started the 'ah jeez' deal. Now that's funny.
Bus, you got Billy to post twice on the same night.
I figured he would be too busy sucking a stogie. You know what they say, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and other times it's a big brown d***.
anon 10:23-
for all that that you say he does, and that may be true, he still screwed people big time.
And he's a liar.
A big, fat liar.
anon 10:23-
for all that that you say he does, and that may be true, he still screwed people big time.
And he's a liar.
A big, fat liar.
wircrapp No8@11:15....tell me more.........
When people decide to have an auction or sell some real estate, it is a big decision to make. In both areas, the marketplace sets the value of your properties. I've sold items at auction. The buyers screwed me every chance they could.
It looks like, through the years, people selected Billy Long Auctions or Keller-Williams (before Murney) to provide auction and/or real estate services. It doesn't seem logical that they would allow a big, fat liar to conduct their business for them. It does seem logical that you are not logical in your assessment.
Now about America's obesity problem. If the guy who drives this little yellow bus is busplunge (I assume it is) I saw him in a parade several years ago with a bus load of kids. He seemed to be a jovial, good-natured fellow having fun with family and friends. Hard to believe he is this spiteful on a blog. Is it the same guy? If it is, he isn't on a ballerina diet.
Bus riders needed:
Statewide Democratic Campaign In MO Seeking Field Organizers
A statewide Democratic campaign in Missouri seeks field organizers for the 2012 campaign. The chief responsibilities of field organizers are to recruit volunteers and perform direct voter contact to meet their region's daily, weekly and monthly call and canvass goals. Start Date: ASAP
Responsibilities include:
•Recruit and train volunteers to conduct voter contact on behalf of campaign
•Make direct phone calls to voters daily to increase voter turnout
•Ensure region reaches daily, weekly and monthly goals set by the regional field director and track the region’s progress toward those oals.
•Organize canvasses of targeted precincts, meeting goals of voters contacted.
•Organize phone banks with calls to targeted universes of voters, meeting daily and weekly goals of voters contacted.
•Lead volunteer phonebanks while meeting individual direct voter contact goals per week.
•Position focuses on team building, voter contact, voter persuasion and increasing voter turnout
Field organizer position is a seven-day a week commitment. Knowledge of Missouri political landscape a plus. Experience and familiarity with the Voter Activation Network (VAN) is highly preferred. Previous organizing or significant volunteer experience highly preferred. Reliable transportation, computer and cell phone are required.
Please email resume to
Anon 10:22-- Say what you ant about ballerinas, I may be large but I can still see Willy. Don't know if we can say the same about Billy.
Regarding this blog and the posts on Long, Do you want me to tell the truth or do you want me to lie to you?.
Remember, you chose to ride the bus, I didn't ask you to get on.
If you don't like what I right, you've got a choice not to get on board.
Billy Long is afraid of me and others who expose the underbelly of his convenient beliefs.
I keep remembering what the FBI agent said-- you remember that, don't you anon 10:22, Billy sent the FBI after those writers who were 'worrisome' to him-- the agent said:
"That's what you're supposed to be doing: holding people accountable because that's (those are)the people we elect and they are supposes to be accountable to us. And somebody's got to do and more power to you."
End of discussion.
Like the Republicans at their convention when they changed the rules to shut out the Ron Paul delegates, I am invoking the Jason Wert rule: my blog my rules.
dang Bus, I had a couple great comments to add to this one.
sucks, always a day and a dollar short.
by the way, I don't mind giving my name,
Tom Lee, of Tommyleesandwich fame
such are the breaks of someone who has to work for a living.
Bus-getting back to Rolling Stone...the link I sent you...Matt Taibbi was also a guest on the same program regarding his article. What an eye opener.
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