Billy Goes To Tampa: Headlines at Tampa Comedy Club w/ Grover Norquist: 2 Shows 11:30 PM & 1 AM
Remember when Billy Long told us we can't expect to change Washington DC unless we are willing to change the type of people that we send to Washington. Billy Long will do the right thing for the right reason everyday he serves as US Congressman.
Billy Long will do the right thing for the right reason everyday he serves as US Congressman. Yep that's what he told us.
The Right Thing.
For The Right Reason
Everyday he serves as our Congressman.
Um, does that include Tampa?
We've heard the stories about strip clubs in Tampa gearing up the Republican Convention--Tampa strip clubs expecting big boost from GOP convention:
Tampa strip clubs are expecting a big pay day from Republican convention-goers. Not only will it mean an additional 50,000 people in a town famous for its partying, but apparently, club owners have reason to believe that conservatives are more… well, liberal than their Democratic counterparts when it comes to tucking a few bills into a G-string:
'…if past conventions are any indicator, Republicans are likely to outspend Democrats heavily at topless bars and strip clubs, says Angelina Spencer. She heads the Association of Club Executives, an organization for the nation’s 4,000 “gentleman’s club” owners. The group talked to members in the host cities of past conventions.
“When we compared spending,” Spencer notes, “the average showed Republicans spending $150 per person at an adult club, versus Democrats, who averaged $50 a person.”
We were chuckling to ourselves this morning about the story that a study found a spike in online sex ads placed in host cities during political conventions.
So what a surprise when we opened out email this morning and received the following notice:
To see the flyer in all it's blaze orange glory,click on this link
Billy Long?
Grover Norquist?
Appearing together at the Tampa Improv Comedy Club?
At 11:30 PM and 1 AM?
And you know the alcohol is going to be flowing freely.
Why it wasn't even a year ago (Still Fed UP?) that Ozark Billy was telling whom ever would listen that he's has taken a low-profile path in his first year...and he avoids Washington's night-time social circuit, preferring to go home for another sandwich and some rest.
This guy is an embarrassment to MO7.

1 comment:
First question up at the "Listening Post" should be:
Why was Representative Long too busy during August to meet face to face with his constituents, but not too busy to show his rear with Grover Norquist at a Tampa comedy dive?
I mean, was Bill Maher not available?
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