Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan -- From intern to Romney's VP pick....


Anonymous said...

Wow a perfect way to get Obama back in for 4 more years, get this yoyo as VP, what a dork.

Anonymous said...


If only you, I, and President Obama understood this:

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! he drove the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile when he was in college. That counts. Right?

Yeti coolers said...

I think 20+ years is enough to pick him as VP.

Anonymous said...

Well, he was selected Biggest Brown Noser by his high school class.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait till the Ryan-Biden debate. Oh wait, Obama won't let Biden do it.

Anonymous said...

I can't say it any plainer than this:

OBAMA: 'A New America In Which Prosperity Is Shared'...

RYAN: 'We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes'...

Anonymous said...

But wait, 8:20 p.m.,

Over the weekend, Biden campaigned to 600 people in North Carolina.

Meanwhile, Ryan campaigned to overflow crowds larger than 15,000 people in North Carolina.

Obama has got to dump Biden and get someone who will excite our base, like Jesse Jackson, Jr. or that little skinny girl from Florida who looks like she is Marty Feldman's daughter.

Anonymous said...

No business creds or anything else-a professional politician. Are we certain Ryan didn't also do a stint with Ashcroft?

A state governor for half a term perhaps?

Anonymous said...

8:25 PM, "Obama has got to dump Biden and get someone who will excite our base"

Like Ryan who did his first VP interview with Romney on 60 Minutes, and during the first 2 or 3 repeated the mindless "make a difference" mantra at least 3 times.

Or Ryan out VP campaigning in Iowa where he was booed by the crowd...

Anonymous said...

"No business credits or anything else-a professional politician."

You is talking about Obama and Biden isn't you?

Busplunge said...

Anon 08/014/2012 9:11 A.M.

Ezra Klein: Three years ago, Mitt Romney proposed a constitutional amendment that would say “the president has to spend three years working in business before he becomes president of the United States. Then he or she would understand that the policies they are putting into place have to encourage small business to grow.”

As Andrew Kaczsynski notes, that provision would disqualify Paul Ryan, who has spent his life working for the government, first as a congressional staffer and then as a congressman.

To be clear about the point here, I think this reflects how dumb Romney’s proposed constitutional amendment is, not Ryan’s fitness for the presidency. It also reflects Romney’s tendency to take positions strategically without carefully considering their long-term impact. When he made that comment, was it really so difficult for him to imagine naming a vice president without business experience? That would, for instance, disqualify career military men, like Gen. David Petraeus.

Update: Some have argued that Romney isn’t quite “proposing” this amendment so much as speaking favorably about it as a concept. I think that’s a fair distinction. Either way, the basic point is unchanged. A few years ago, Romney thought it was politically useful to say that all presidents should have at least three years in business. But his vice presidential nominee — that is to say, the single person, aside from himself, who he thinks most qualified to be president — has not spent three years in business.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bus, I agree with part of your reasoning. But the issue facing our country is more than three years of business experience.

Your statement included, "Ryan’s fitness for the presidency. It also reflects Romney’s tendency to take positions strategically without carefully considering their long-term impact." That's the problem I have with the President, Axelrod and 'The Chicago Way."

The country is being run much like the Catholic Church, but with some other twists and turns.

Anonymous said...

Most Republicans been wrong about Obama's private industry experience. They think he only had been on the receiving end of grants, subsidies and salaries (social justice tools) from taxpayers as a community organizer, whatever that means; Senator and now President.

Turns out he was a pot-smokin' drug dealer in high school and college. That's got to count for something.

Anonymous said...

8/14/2012 9:11 AM, "You is talking about Obama and Biden isn't you?"

You is. I isn't.

The only one "talking" about the need for business experience on this thread is dumb talking Mitt Romney (per Busplunge). I happen to agree.

Anonymous said...

8/14/2012 11:10 AM wrote, "Turns out he was a pot-smokin' drug dealer in high school and college"

Drug dealer? Your defamation is a lie. Prove it.

Busplunge said...

Mr Anon 08/14/2012 11:01 AM--

In reference to your comment about my comment: "Your statement included, "Ryan’s fitness for the presidency. It also reflects Romney’s tendency to take positions strategically without carefully considering their long-term impact." "

Please go back and re-read my comment and note the hyperlink to Ezra Klein's posting, which I published, with credit, in its entirety.

Anonymous said...

Bus, I did. My mistake. I humbly apoligize.

@11:46, I will as soon as Obama releases his college records. But, don't wait up late tonight expecting a reply.

@11:39, The United States government is the largest, biggest, whoopinist business in the world. Ryan probably understands the business of government better than I do, and, probably you.

And, I say all of this with the deepest respect for you and your opinions.

And, Biden was on MSNBC moving his lips just a few minutes ago. You all know what that means dont' ya?

Busplunge said...

Both here in the comments section and on facebook two people read something I posted and jumped to conclusions.

Like Billy said this morning: "We need to make it the best place in the world to do business. Right now, we're hamstringing all of our companies. In Missouri, the state legislature need to work on making it the best place and in Washington, DC we need to work on making the United States of America the best place in the world to do business."

uh ok, some one tell me what he said.

Anonymous said...

"@11:46, I will as soon as Obama releases his college records. But, don't wait up late tonight expecting a reply."

Libel isn't game playing.

"@11:39, The United States government is the largest, biggest, whoopinist business in the world. Ryan probably understands the business of government better than I do, and, probably you".

But...but...but that's not why Mitt was crowing! Real bidness, dude-not bad government business.

Anonymous said...

That's a Tea Party pickup line. Maybe he is after Tera Sukman, the Patriot Tea Party Headgiver in Branson.

Anonymous said...

It's not Ryan's fault his father, a successful businessman, died when he was young. Maybe before the age of 15 he learned something about business from his dad. Who are we to know?

Anonymous said...


Better be careful there, Bus. It appears that you got a bunch of those limp-wristed Republican pretty boys in a tizzy over attacks on their wettest of wet dreams.

Their days are spent trying to convince the world that if they are GOP they are not GAY. But at night, while looking for excuses not to perform their husbandly duties while they dream of Ryan's perfect abs.

Sorry to bust up their fantasies, but Ryan's love of Ayn Rand offers ample proof that he is really a power bottom.

Anonymous said...

Last poster: I'll bet your wife is disapointed in you. In more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

My wife is fine. She is a fan of the truth. Yours? I'm guessing my post hit a little too close to home. Looks like you are trying to project your shortcomings on someone else.

I hear a certain state senator may have a friend who can help.