Billy Long ain't afraid of nobody... well except maybe Roy Blunt?
Last week our congressman Billy Long piled as many statewide candidates as he could into a big black bus with "Billy Long Victory Tour" plastered on the sides and took a tour or MO7.
From the Branson Tri-Lakes News: Candidates visit Branson:
Several Republican candidates in the upcoming November election stopped in Branson Saturday on the Billy Long Victory Tour.
In addition to Long, Todd Akin, a candidate for U.S. Senate; Dave Spence, a candidate for Missouri governor; incumbent Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder; Shane Schoeller, candidate for Missouri Secretary of State; Ed Martin, a candidate for state attorney general; and Cole McNary, a candidate for state treasurer, were all in attendance at Tea Party Patriot HQ on Veterans Boulevard.

Bungalow Bill's take on Billy's Tour::
Hard to believe a week has gone by since Congressman Billy Long boarded up a bus and set off to display unity in the Republican party. Long and his bus mates visited various Southwest Missouri towns promoting their campaigns. Included in Billy Long's unity bus tour was Shane Schoeller, stripper stalker Peter Kinder, Ed Martin, what's that guy's name that is going to lose in a landslide to Jay Nixon, oh that's right, Dave Spence, and the tarnished Todd Akin.Susan Redden of the Joplin Globe on Long's Bus Tour which made two stops in Joplin last week:
Yet, despite this image of unity, Congressman Long hasn't seemed to issue one bit of support for Todd Akin. Shall we say Billy Long's unity tour was a complete scam and that Billy Long's friendship is something you can't count on when it comes to political power? That's what it looks like because just a week ago, Long was yukking it up on a bus with Akin, and now there is no sign of unity or support for Long.
The goal of getting a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate, including replacing Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., with challenger Todd Akin, was mentioned frequently when GOP candidates and officeholders came to Joplin as part of a “Victory Tour” on Wednesday.
Blunt and U.S. Rep. Billy Long, R-Mo., were among those on the “Victory Tour” praising the Ryan pick. Long also led a “Unity Tour” to Joplin on Saturday.
Long said he believes the Ryan choice will help Republicans win in Missouri — including the U.S. Senate seat — because “he will energize the party’s base, and get the tea party and the conservatives involved” in the campaign. Blunt said the selection was “a bold choice that establishes us as the party of ideas.”
Jake Hamilton, 4-States Homepage:
(Mt. Vernon, MO)-- A group of Republican candidates made an appearance in Mt. Vernon Saturday for their second to last stop on their "Victory Tour."
Candidates Billy Long, Todd Aikin and Dave Spence have been visiting different areas in Missouri, telling voters why they should be elected to their desired positions.

Springfield News Leader:
The second of two tours featuring the Republican statewide slate hit Springfield on Saturday. The weekend tour was organized by U.S. Rep. Billy Long, R-Springfield, to promote unity among the GOP candidates after a bruising primary.
Saturday’s ticket also featured Todd Akin, who is running for U.S. Senate; Dave Spence, the gubernatorial candidate; Shane Schoeller, the Secretary of State candidate; and Cole McNary, the treasurer candidate.

KOLR Channel 10:
The bus tour took the statewide candidates through Jefferson City and Lee's Summit on Tuesday, and Joplin, Springfield, St. Louis, and St. Charles on Wednesday.
The party's nominee to challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, joined the group for the final half of the tour.
U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt, an early supporter of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, defended him from recent charges from Democrats critical of his new running-mate Paul Ryan's position on Medicare spending.
"The only person who has cut Medicare is Barack Obama," Blunt said. "Republicans are the only people who have a plan to save Medicare."
"Paul Ryan was a great choice," said Rep. Billy Long (R-7th District). "I would have liked to see Paul run way back when for president when they were talking about who would get in the race. He's a young guy. He's 42 and he probably thought he'd wait a little while but this is just perfect. Mitt Romney made a great decision. It's the first presidential decision Mitt Romney made. He knocked a home run."

And, all the tweets from all the boys....
Joseph Hunter @JosephHunterII @cole_mcnary @auctnr1 @RepToddAkin @spenceformo @PeterKinder @shaneschoeller @EdMartin4MO @MOVictory strong crew ...Looking 4 clean sweep
18 Aug Peter Kinder Peter Kinder @PeterKinder RT @cole_mcnary: Just stopped in Mt Vernon w/ @auctnr1 @RepToddAkin @spenceformo @peterkinder @shaneschoeller & @EdMartin4MO #GOP @movictory
18 Aug Cole McNary Cole McNary @cole_mcnary Just stopped in Mt Vernon w/ @auctnr1 @RepToddAkin @spenceformo @peterkinder @shaneschoeller & @EdMartin4MO #mogop @movictory
18 Aug James Harris James Harris @JamesMNHarris RT @auctnr1: The #MOGOP Statewide Victory bus stopped at in #Branson - now we're off to Mt. Vernon view photo
Billy Long @auctnr1 @spenceformo speaking during our Statewide #GOP Victory Tour in Mt. Vernon - now headed to our last stop in #Joplin

18 Aug Billy Long Billy Long @auctnr1 The #MOGOP Statewide Victory bus stopped at in #Branson - now we're off to Mt. Vernon

18 Aug Ed Martin Ed Martin @EdMartin4MO Another big crowd in Branson on the congressman @auctnr1 Unity Bus Tour #standinthegap #MOAteam #MOGOP View photo
1:39 PM - 18 Aug 12 via Twitter for BlackBerry® · Details
18 Aug MOVictory MOVictory @MOVictory RT @EdMartin4MO: Big crowd in Ozark on the @auctnr1 bus tour. We're getting fired up with the #MOAteam #standinthegap View photo
18 Aug Schoeller 4 SoS Schoeller 4 SoS @shaneschoeller @auctnr1 #MOGOP unity tour continues 2B strong! @EdMartin4MO here speaking to fellow Christian Co conservatives! View photo
18 Aug Billy Long Billy Long @auctnr1 @ToddAkin @spenceformo @PeterKinder @cole_mcnary @shaneschoeller @EdMartin4MO all on the #MOGOP Statewide Victory bus - next stop #Branson

Billy Long @auctnr1 Looking forward to Sen. Roy Blunt joining our Whistle Stop #MO7 Victory Rally for Statewide Candidates @ in #Branson
18 Aug Billy Long Billy Long @auctnr1 Todd Akin @ Statewide #GOP Candidate #MO7 Victory Rally @ Family Pharmacy in Ozark - next stop
18 Aug James Harris James Harris @JamesMNHarris RT @jameymurphy Congressman Billy Long's Bus Tour team of Candidates View photo @auctnr1 @PeterKinder @EdMartin4MO @cole_mcnary
18 Aug Matthew Lyons Matthew Lyons @mattlyonsms Great to see the 2012 #MOGOP ticket in SGF today. @ToddAkin @SpenceForMo @auctnr1 @PeterKinder @shaneschoeller @EdMartin4MO @cole_mcnary
18 Aug MOVictory MOVictory @MOVictory RT @spenceformo: Grt day in SWMO w/ @auctnr1 @EdMartin4MO @ToddAkin @PeterKinder @shaneschoeller @cole_mcnary view photo #MoGov
18 Aug Peter Kinder Peter Kinder @PeterKinder Fantastic day in #SWMO on Unity tour w/ @auctnr1 @ToddAkin @spenceformo @cole_mcnary @shaneschoeller @EdMartin4MO #MOGOP #StrongTeam
18 Aug Peter Kinder Peter Kinder @PeterKinder Indeed! RT @spenceformo: Grt day in SWMO w/ @auctnr1 @EdMartin4MO @ToddAkin @PeterKinder @shaneschoeller @cole_mcnary View photo
18 Aug Schoeller 4 SoS Schoeller 4 SoS @shaneschoeller THX 2 fellow @greenecomoGOP for coming out to @auctnr1 #SWMO Unity tour w/ @ToddAkin @spenceformo @PeterKinder @cole_mcnary @EdMartin4MO
18 Aug Billy Long Billy Long @auctnr1 Statewide #GOP Candidate #MO7 Victory Rally @ Greene County #GOP Headquarters in Springfield - next stop Nixa!
18 Aug Dave Spence Dave Spence @spenceformo Grt day in SWMO w/ @auctnr1 @EdMartin4MO @ToddAkin @PeterKinder @shaneschoeller @cole_mcnary view photo #MoGov
18 Aug Michael Clarke Michael Clarke @MichaelPClarke @auctnr1: "This November will definitely be a time for choosing" at the Unity Bus Tour rally at Springfield Victory HQ @MOVictory
18 Aug Jen McClure Jen McClure @JenMcHBA @auctnr1 building grassroots machine! View photo
18 Aug Jen McClure Jen McClure @JenMcHBA @auctnr1 thanks for rallying the troops to get started on winning back America by turning out 40 percent in november
18 Aug Cole McNary Cole McNary @cole_mcnary Speaking to a great crowd in SWMO on the @auctnr1 Unity Bus Tour w/ @reptoddakin @edmartin4mo & @shaneschoeller View photo
18 Aug Schoeller 4 SoS Schoeller 4 SoS @shaneschoeller Perfect start 2 #SWMO unity tour w/ @auctnr1 @SBUniv my alma mater w/ @ToddAkin @spenceformo @PeterKinder @EdMartin4MO & @cole_mcnary
18 Aug Billy Long Billy Long @auctnr1 Just held Statewide #GOP Candidate #MO7 Victory Rally @ Bolivar- Akin, Spence, Kinder, Schoeller, McNary & Martin on board- Springfield next
18 Aug Todd Akin Todd Akin @ToddAkin 2012 #mogop ticket in Bolivar. @ToddAkin @SpenceForMo @auctnr1 @PeterKinder @shaneschoeller @EdMartin4MO @cole_mcnary View Photo
18 Aug Cole McNary Cole McNary @cole_mcnary Meeting folks in Bolivar on the @auctnr1 Unity Bus Tour. #mogop #motreas View photo
18 Aug Ed Martin Ed Martin @EdMartin4MO Pic: Meeting some great folks in SWMO on the @auctnr1 bus tour w/@ToddAkin @PeterKinder @shaneschoeller #MOAG #MOGOP View photo
17 Aug Donna Osborn Donna Osborn @donnaos @auctnr1 bus revving up on my neighborhood street...have no idea...guess my neighbor found a bus-driving job. Billy's a 1-job creator!
17 Aug Donna Osborn Donna Osborn @donnaos Well, my goodness gracious, there goes the neighborhood! @auctnr1 View photo
17 Aug Peter Kinder Peter Kinder @PeterKinderMT @JamesMNHarris: Glad to see @EdMartin4MO @PeterKinder & @shaneschoeller on the Congressman @auctnr1 7th District Tour tmrw. #StrongTeam
17 Aug James Harris James Harris @JamesMNHarrisGlad to see @EdMartin4MO @PeterKinder and @shaneschoeller on the Congressman @auctnr1 7th District Tour tomorrow. #StrongTeam #7thTour
17 Aug Ed Martin Ed Martin @EdMartin4MO Great time this week on the @MOVictory bus tour Looking forward to the bus tour w/Billy Long @auctnr1 tomorrow! #MoGOP
OMG, the praise is suffocating!
Then Akin appeared on a Sunday morning talk show in St. Louis and forgot to speak in code.
And Billy Long, did he come to the defense of Todd Akin, with whom he had spent the previous day singing the praises of?
No. NO ONE came to Akin's defense, And Billy's position of Rape is the same as the position Akin AND Todd Ryan hold. Billy was a co-sponsor of HR3,,,the bill that redefined rape to include "Forcible rape", Billy's vote on the personhood amendment mirrored Akin's.
One would reasonably expect that Long or somebody on that bus tour would come to Akin's defense and we'd see some tweets. Maybe Billy saw what happened to David Catanese and Billy got scared.
I thought Billy may be in Las Vegas playing poker and didn't have time to tweet.
Anyhow, August 19, 2012 to 5PM August 22, 2012, here are ALL of Billy Long's tweets.
Billy Long @auctnr1 @TGowdySC "This is your Birthday Song - It's not too long - Hey!"
Billy Long @auctnr1 Rotary clubs deliver funds for kids from annual Rock 'n Ribs:
Billy Long @auctnr1 Just spoke to the Farm Bureau Board of Directors at their endorsement meeting in Mt. Vernon, MO #Ozarks #MO7
Billy Long @auctnr1 I just spoke in #Joplin at the Missouri Association of Manufacturers breakfast meeting. A great group of job providers!
Billy Long @auctnr1 Guy 50-something calls me over to his table at breakfast to explain that due to religious reasons he had never ever voted, but will in Nov.!
Billy Long @auctnr1 Black and Gold taking over?
Billy Long @auctnr1 Billy Long leads Republicans at rally
"I ain't afraid of nobody".
You wanna bet somebody (ROY?) told him to sit down and shut up?
Billy's an empty suit, all hat and no cattle, a pompous prima donna.
1 comment:
Real cowboys wear Resistol. I;m sure that wannabe Southern Hillsbilly wears a Stetson.
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