When Representative Tim Jones says, "You keep your Government out of my doctor's office, out of my pocketbook and out of my business"
Does he mean he supports women's reproductive rights?
Does he mean he supports Planned Parenthood?
Does he mean he supports Roe v Wade?
Does he mean he supports equal rights?
Does he mean he supports the pro-choice movement?
Does he mean he supports same sex marriage?
If that's not what means, what DOES he mean when he says in that email he sent from Tim.Jones@house.mo.gov, dated Sunday, March 14, 2010, 12:14 AM to Len Eagleburger and myself: "You keep your Government out of my doctor's office, out of my pocketbook and out of my business"?
He also had this to say about Eagleburger and myself in the course of last night's email exchange:
"I laugh at you..typical left wing character assassins...you both make me chuckle...it is too easy to debate you and win...in fact, to quote a famous man, I'm doing it with half my brain tied behind my back!...Now go bother your own State Rep and State Senator with your foolish left wing diatribes. Maybe some day you'll both be lucky though and you can vote for me for Governor!"

But Wait, There's MORE!
The bus stopped here on March 14, 2010. It is being re-visited because Jones was quoted in a story in today's SN-L: Missouri pushes tougher abortion law. Jones is also a birther who got in a fist fight on the House floor last session: Representative Timothy W. Jones---has he gone over the edge?
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Because no one bothers to read this crap.
You are.
Is that Tim?
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