Billy Longs kicks the dog further down the road, reveals new pricing plan
Billy Long, after the Missouri Senate and House of Representatives neutered the vote of the people on Proposition B, is kicking the dog further down the road:Congress pushes for probe of HSUS:
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) – a national, tax-exempt organization not affiliated with local animal shelters and the most powerful anti-hunting group in the nation....supported a ballot initiative in Missouri (Proposition B) by pouring in some $1.85 million (plus another $300,000 in non-cash contributions) into its Missouri front group’s bank account.In the letter, Long and the other Missouri lawmakers also cite efforts by the Humane Society to influence legislation by having its employees urging the public to contact members of legislative bodies for the purpose of proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation.
The measure passed by a slim three-point margin and sets regulations for the state’s dog breeders including how many dogs are allowed per facility. At the root of the issue is whether the HSUS attempted to influence legislation as a “substantial part” of its activities.
In a letter to Inspector General Eric Thorson in Washington, D.C., six members of Congress from Missouri and Alaska — Don Young (R-Alaska), Vicky Hartzler (R-Missouri), Blaine Luetkemeyer(R-Missouri), Jo Ann Emerson (R-Missouri), Sam Graves (R-Missouri), and Billy Long (R-Missouri) — have requested a federal investigation into the level of funding and participation of HSUS in Missouri’s affairs.
Long chose not to state in the letter that he received, according to FEC documents filed by him, $4,800 from Andrew Hunte, president of The Hunte Company, Goodman MO, a puppy mill operation. The money has come in the form of identical $800 contributions on Oct. 12, Oct. 19, Nov. 2, Feb. 7, March 4, and March 31.
Long is complaining, basically, that Humane Society urged its members to contact their congressmen in support of Proposition B while he accepts $4,800 in campaign contributions from a business that is directly opposed to Proposition B.
Also today Long released his new pricing plan.

Please read carefully as the pricing plans have changed:
Dropping a bill costs $5000.00.
Writing a letter now costs $4800.00..

Holding public townhall meetings is no longer available.
Answering unfiltered questions from the press or constituents is no longer available.
Dumb looks are still free.

Little Bear would not be happy, Billy.

LMAO Little Bear would not be happy Billy. Classsic.
Medical care for Billy's failing health due to his poor life choices - on the taxpayer's dime.
Why is Billy Long getting the federal government involved in a state issue? Proposition B and puppy mills are to be regulated by the state and not the federal government. Considering the economy, gas prices, unemployment, and other problems, Long is worried about scratching the back of his puppy mill friends all the while hoping the feds get involved. More government Billy?
Conservatives talk small government because they think it's what people want to hear.
Watch those red state conservatives call FEMA now that the ice caps are melting and the water table is rising. Oh yeah, they're all about big government programs NOW.
I say give 'em a boat not a FEMA trailer.
Could NOT happen to a more deserving bunch of pin-head voters.
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