Groundbreaking set for Isle of Capri Casino to be located in Cape Girardeau
From the AP wire comes this story-- Groundbreaking set for Cape Girardeau casino:
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. — Isle of Capri is preparing to begin work this week on a $125 million casino in Cape Girardeau.The following comment on this story was left by Bransonman at 8:06 AM on March 28, 2011:
The Southeast Missourian reports the groundbreaking ceremony for the state's newest casino is scheduled Thursday afternoon.
The Missouri Gaming Commission awarded the casino license to Isle of Capri in December.
Plans call for a casino along the Mississippi River with 1,000 slot machines, 28 table games, three restaurants, a lounge and a terrace overlooking the river, along with a 750-seat event center.
"The first and most important thing that defeated Rockaway Beach's chance of getting casino gambling was the opposition of Branson. Under the leadership of Peter Herschend (of Silver Dollar City) and with the full support of the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, the City of Branson, the majority of the Branson tourism industry, and a lot of members within the community, that opposition out maneuvered and out politiced the better funded Rockaway Beach effort at every turn.Billy Long's our congressman and he frequents casinos, maybe he'll come through for Rockaway Beach?
A formidable factor that contributed to the issues defeat was that the other casino gambling destinations, for obvious reasons, did not support Rockaway Beach's efforts. Boonville residents wanted to protect their casino from competition and for that reason, the Boonville Chamber of Commerce voted to oppose Rockaway's efforts. It's not very likely that the voters in Kansas City, St. Louis, and other areas that have casinos felt very much different." (Branson Courier 2006)
Our Missouri Congress ruled, casinos have to be on a river that can be "NAVIGATED" ie, Missouri and Mississippi rivers. This was a scam created to keep Rockaway Beach from having a casino. Crooked politics!
S. W. Mo. Representatives and Senators did not do a d**med thing to help Rockaway Beach. They walked the Hershend line. Just a few years prior they used OUR tax money to build the Ozark Mountain Highroad which is a fabulous 7 mile driveway to Silver Dollar City.
Kansas City, Boonville, St. Charles, St. Louis and now Cape Girardeau have casinos, meanwhile a casino 1,000 ft. from the Missouri state line near Joplin (Downstream) is making tens of thousands of $$ each day. Much of that money comes from S. W. Missourians.
Busloads of people from Branson travel to gamble every day!
We could be making money right here if our politicians stood up for us.
Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Mo. Congressmen WILL YOU GO TO BAT FOR US and try to get a casino in S.W. Missouri?
NL, will you ask them?
Missouri needs $$$ and we know where it is!
Or maybe he's got his hands full, not of aces, but with the mess he got himself into by supporting Peter King's internet kill switch bill.

Typically more of the same crap... didn't I read somewhere where Herschel's family member was in cahots with a casino somewhere else?
I guess I'm too old to understand the politics crap.
But get Billy on line and be we would get one in Rockaway next year.
It is amazing the number of buses that leave out of Springfield's SE Walmart each week taking people to Downstream!! The number of hundred's of thousands of dollars that goes across the state line in: jobs, taxes, sales of everything from food to sheets for the hotel, and anything else.
Silver Dollar City controls Branson, but really thought Rock Away might just make it, but not so...It is like this Pete Herschel was a member of the Branson's Episcopal church he got upset at the "Bishop" over the churches views regarding gays, women in the church, and anything else that was not far right....pulled his support, because they would not do it "Pete's" way...sad that man has that much control. Has almost "killed " that small church in Branson, but he is Pete and Silver Dollar City, but the church said no...and now he goes to the open minded Assembly Of God church...need we say more...
I cannot think of a better place for the casinos to stay the hell out of than Branson.
Let that place rot! I hope the entire place goes down, SDC and the rest of the Herschend empire.
To hell with Branson. I don't go there, don't shop there, don't eat there....nothing.
Let 'em reap what they've sowed. Free market right? Middle class has no money....Herschend goes down. Too bad.
I have been spending a lot of time in Pigeon Ford and Gatlinburg. Granted they don't have gambling, but it's 30 miles away in Cherokee, NC. These communities make Branson look like a slum. Why anyone would want to waste a vacation in Branson these days is beyond me! If Herschends are proud of Branson these days, they obviously aren't holding it to a standard that reaches any kind of good and full potential. It's no wonder the tour buses have slowed down to Branson. I am afraid gambling in the vicinity is all that will save Branson, and even then it's probably too late. The money is drying up in Branson, and the number of empty theaters is rising. I wouldn't waste my vacation dollars there when Pigeon Ford and Gatlinburg offer so much more and many of the same shows, go cart tracks, and lots more including real mountains over old hills filled with too many Yakov and Shoji billboards.
You're full of crap. I have vacationed several times in the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Ford area and it it nice, just like Branson.
Granted, that area has the Smokey Mountains and is close to some historical significant areas but the musical environment, food and dining experience and hospitality is neither better nor worse than Branson.
That area, like Branson, is depending more and more on Asian and Hispanic workers to clean up after us in the hospitality industry. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
If you like open waters, that area cannot hold a candle to the Bull Shoals, Taneycomo, Table Rock, Beaver, Stockton, Norfolk, Pomme de Terre, Lake of the Ozarks, Buffalo National River, and many, many more experiences.
When you've contributed .0000001% of what the Herschend family has to this area, get back to us. Otherwise keep bitching and moaning about no one paying any attention to you, except the FBI.
Here's some seldom shared, insider information. Gambling in the Branson area ain't gonna happen. Read the Missouri Constitution and Missouri Revised Statutes. We the people decided who would decide where and how many gambling establishments would be in Missouri.
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