Cox Comes Through!
My younger brother Tom, who blogs here when he's not discing fields, selling miniature horses, taking care of Mom's property, working on Ford Broncos, and working at the Veteran's hospital in Mount Vernon, spent most of yesterday, last night at Cox Medical Center.
Dang those pesky chest pains! Here's an account another younger brother, John, who blogs from here:
9:50 EDT, Tuesday, March 24 2009Me, I don't worry about Tom, for he's as stout as his horse:
This afternoon, Tom was at work and experienced pain in his upper chest and arms. He went to the VA hospital and they transported him via ambulance to the heart ward at Cox South.
He was administered some drugs, I am sorry I missed the names, which were not that effective but the morphine they injected allows him to be in good shape this evening. He is scheduled to undergo more tests on Wednesday morning.
Take a moment when you read this to think a positive thought and/or say a prayer for thehorsefarmer.
Love to all,

Wishing your brother a speedy recovery.
I'll keep your brother in prayer.
somehow I survived the 24 hours at Cox South including the radiation injections and danged near running on a treadmill for 6 or so minutes.
Am back on the farm, resting, doing better and yes, getting back to this media to catch up on the local gossip.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Tom went home to the farm this afternoon.
He looked so peaceful and rested as his family brought him home, passing through the gates of "Haven Lee Farm" for not the last time.
Glad thehorsefarmer made it home okay. But, bus, next time you post something I wrote, would you please edit for correction, ie affective vs. effective? For posterity's sake, I would appreciate it. John
your use of "effective" is correct.
your pal,
the grammar King!
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