Steelman and Palin --- The New Mavericks?
This comment from David Catonese's post on Palin on the KY3 website.
"quinn said...
Isn't it amazing that the Missouri Republican establishment is unanimous in its unabashed support for Palin, a maverick Republican who butted heads with the Republican establishment in Alaska, whose position on earmarks, fiscal responsibility, energy and ethics reform, are almost identical to Sarah Steelman's..." And Tony Messenger, of SN-L fame, had this on
The oh-so-quiet Sarah Steelman, who has had a tiny carbon footprint in terms of her media exposure since her loss in the Republican primary for governor, was one of the first Missouri politicos to heap praise on John McCain’s choice of a running mate. Says Treasurer Steelman, in a statement e-mailed from her state office:Jason Rosenbaum, on the Columbia Tribune Politics blog, has these statements from Blunt, Bond, Hulshof and Steelman.
“I am thrilled with John McCain’s bold selection of Sarah Palin for Vice President. Governor Palin represents the direction and principle that our nation needs.
“As Governor she has fought for the people of her state and for a government that truly serves them. In Alaska, she fought against cronyism and corruption and restored faith in what principled leadership can accomplish. In battling wasteful and reckless spending by Congress, Governor Palin called for a ban on earmarks, even when they would benefit her state. That’s the kind of leadership America needs.”
Here is a posting from MsUnderestimated.
And this from Chad Livengood of the SN-L. Wow! Over 75 comments! I thought she was a member of the Assemblies?
Bet you didn't recognize her without her glasses:

What did you think of the pick, Jim?
I liked the pick and I, too, thought of Sarah Steelman when I found out a little about Palin.
To me, being a political maverick, these days, is a good thing.
McCain's pick, in my opinion, was a great pick and gave a bit more credibility to him as a conservative.
Personally, I think Obama is liberal and McCain is liberal light.
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