How I Spent The Week: In An Airstream Trailer, Drinking Beer And Eating Deviled Eggs
A whole bunch of people who own Airstream trailers met at Compton Ridge Campground this past week for a bar bee que dinner and to look at other people's trailers. (Yeah, I know, hold the comments about me going to Branson- but I didn't go to SDC.)) There were quite a few trailers there, including one from Colorado. There were at least 3 trailers from Springfield, 1 from Branson, 1 from St. James, Several from St. Louis, 1 from Joplin, several from Arkansas, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
I had a swell time. Nothing can quite compare to sleeping in an Airstream trailer during a thunder storm. It is a real life relaxation tape!
To read more posts about the Branson Spring Air Rally, link over here.Originally Posted by jcanavera
Well you guys have Wi-Fi there! We want pictures and details!!!
Well shoot, I wrote a big long post and clicked on 'preview' and I lost it somewhere. I will try to recreate it.
NOTE: The following post is a recreation of an event that happened about three minutes ago where a post got lost. Do not attempt this without adult supervision.
JACK---the wi-fi crapped out late Friday night or early Saturday morning. We had no options to click on below.
As for the rally itself, Mr. Miller met the Grey Goose's travelling companions and there was just about every kind of wine there except for tomotatoe wine and I may be wrong about that. I am pretty sure bloody Mary was there.
As to the potluck and the bar bee que dinners: Everything was delicious. But I can speak with some expertise on the devilled eggs....probably spelt that wrong, but you know, the kind of eggs that you hard boil first at home so you don't stink up the trailer (see posts #575 and #635 in this thread).Then you gets up early Friday morning because you know the mixings got to set up a bit before you eat them and you commence making eggs, deviled eggs in the galley kitchen of your 1978 Airstream 31' Sovereign---not sure how to spell that either.
When you get done mixing the egg yolks, the miracle whip, the Kraft pimento cheese spread, the chopped sweet pickles all together and put them in the peeled eggs halves, you put them in the ice box for several hours to set up.
So, I had all 4 dozen eggs done by 9:30 Friday morning. When Regina, my wife, got down to the campgrounds around noonish, she said we got either
a propane leak
a full black water tank
a pilot light out somewhere
a leaking sewer hose
or something because the trailer did stink.
Yeah UP, it was then eggs. I would have thought I would have remembered that from last year. Well, I did actually, but I thought the stinking part was in the hard boiling do I did that at home before I came down to the doings.
I didn't realize that the fixing of the fixin's also can stink up a trailer.
But hey, I slice those jumbo martini olives and put them on the egg halves and they sure look dang purty. I forgot to bring salt and pepper down so they didn't have no seasoning except for a little olive juice.
All them eggs, almost 90 of them, got ate. But I ain't making 'em no more. The funny thing is, I couldn't smell the smell in the trailer because I was in there all day, it just smelled natural to me. But once I got out of the trailer and came back it, I smelled them eggs.
That's why me and Mr. Miller were such good friends on Friday, I was using him to kill the egg smell. Is there anything I can say to help you?
We had fun.
I ain't making deviled eggs next time,
Next time I will make celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins ---bugs on a log.
Jim Lee and RLee1120
ps-- a special thanks to Steve and his wife for all their work in planning and executing the doings. It was fun.
I only took photos of less than half the Airstreams that were there this weekend, I didn't ever make it down to the bottom of the hill where quite a few trailers were parked. (Walking down would have been easy, it was the walk back up I was worried about.
Anywhere but here sounds good right now. Good for you.
jim...glad you got to get away and relax for a while. that old single axle would look cool behind that longroof from ebay. john
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