Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Had A Nun Throw A Shoe At Me Once,

It was in 1967, at St. Agnes high school, second floor, northeast classroom, Sister Frances Ellen, a Sister of Loretta, was the English teacher and she was old.

She was explaining something and I was whispering to the guy in the desk next to me. Sister Frances Ellen told me to be quiet, but I didn't hear her. Apparently she told me several times to stop talking and pay attention.

I was so engrossed in not paying attention, I didn't see her walk back to my desk and proceed to lift me out of the same desk by grabbing the lobe of my ear with her thumb and forefingers.

Believe me, when you have a nun pressing her fingernails into your earlobe as tight as she can, it is amazing what you are capable of accomplishing.

The good sister told me to go to the office and tell them my transgressions. I humbly did her bidding.

When I got to the door of the classroom, I dramatically turned and, raising my right hand in a salute, told Sister Francis Ellen to "Be of Good Cheer, Sister Francis Ellen, Be of Good Cheer."

She threw her show at me. It was as exciting as this though:


Horse-farmer said...

Sister Francis Ellen also had the thickest 12 inche wooden ruler known to mankind and I had it used on me a number of times, both on the back of the head and on my poor knuckles.
If I remember correctly, she was only about 5 feet tall, but did she pack a wallop.
Thanks for the memory Bus.

Anonymous said...

Do you ever get the feeling that Jason from Life of Jason is watching you every move. I is like that boy is everywhere. I had a nightmare last night that we was trying to sell me Avon products from 1978....and the boy would not take no for an answer. Jim, I know you have some expertise in dream analysis...any ideas what this means? The dream at least replace the dream I had of a train going in and out of a tunnel......

Anonymous said...

I think I know what the dream have a crush on Jason from Life of Jason....I think he is married by the a very lovely young lady. By the way, I checked Jason's site tonight...he posted the entire city council meeting on his site. My gosh, the boy should buy a press for gosh sakes. Jim, I was curious, do you still have the old bus you bought back from the Weebles store in Carthage....Dude, that was a sweet ride. I remember when you would cruise National in that thing...two words dude....chick magnet....

Anonymous said...

Here is my prediction...Jason from Life of Jason will have something on the snow tomorrow. Dude can't get enough of reporting stuff.....I am thinking about starting a blog on Really, I think Jason from Life of Jason does a pretty good job....but I would like to see more Jacke from Jackehammer on his Am I feels like I am rambling.....was that a shoe that just whizzed by my head.....somebody get Condi, Condi in here asap.....