Maybe Todd's right?
In an article published Tuesday by Slate Magazine, Jane Obert self-identified herself as "the city of Neosho's finance director".
I never heard of her before I was forwarded this article by Dave Weigel about Todd Akin: Welcome to Akin Land: Southwest Missouri made the Todd Akin candidacy, and southwest Missouri could save it.
Jane was quoted in Weigel's article:
Shortly before I leave Joplin’s AFP rally I talk to Jane Obert, the city of Neosho’s finance director. Off duty for the day, she’s wearing the red-and-blue colors of the Southwest Missouri Conservative Network, another one of the umbrella groups down here that’s weathered the decline of the Tea Party.
“What he actually said, that riled people up, was not said eloquently for a politician,” says Obert. “But it was actually true. Any time women are in a highly stressful situation, they’re not likely to get pregnant.” She points me to the Department of Health and Human Services website, which says this much in a HealthTip. “It’s a clear choice.Do you stand for life, or do you stand for murdering unborn babies for any time and any reason. Claire McCaskill wants to make it legal to suck an unborn baby’s brains out. How barbaric is that?”
The HHC website Obert refers to, Stress and Pregnancy was first published on October 10, 2010 and revised on May 7, 2011:
From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I’m Ira Dreyfuss with HHS HealthBeat.I googled "Jane Obert".
A study indicates being stressed may reduce the chances of becoming pregnant. Researchers in the United States and England measured women’s levels of a body chemical in saliva that’s considered a barometer of stress – alpha-amylase. They followed the women for six months. And they say women with higher levels were less likely than women with lower levels to get pregnant each day during the fertile window.
At the National Institutes of Health, researcher Germaine Louis:
``However you best relax, as long as it’s healthy and won’t have further implications for trying to get pregnant, is something that you might want to consider.’’ (8 seconds)
Dr. Louis cautions that alcohol and smoking should be avoided as a means of reducing stress.
The study is in the journal Fertility and Sterility.
Learn more at
HHS HealthBeat is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. I’m Ira Dreyfuss.
Last revised: May 7, 2011
The Joplin Globe's Roger McKinney reported that on September 7, 2012 Obert was fired by City Manager Troy Royer. Neosho finance director fired after nearly a year at post.
Royer said he couldn’t reveal the reasons for firing Obert.Obert said her dismissal had to do with relationships. How barbaric is that?
“She was dismissed, but that’s all I can say,” Royer said.
Obert, reached by phone at her home, said she was told that her dismissal had to do with relationships. She said after receiving the explanation, she still wasn’t aware of the reason.
"Obert, reached by phone at her home, said she was told that her dismissal had to do with relationships."
Apparently, she wasn't screwing the city manager.
Have you ever tried to work with one of these Republican, Tea Party...oh hell...whatever they're called...people? They are crazy.
I'd have fired her short order. These people are usually nuts in more than one way. These are the ones who return to work with guns and kill people who don't agree with them. Stuff like that. They believe rules are for other people and like 3 year olds if they make enough noise someone will give in to their immature a$$es.
They're crazy.
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