Monday, June 29, 2009

Mr. Everybody, Fred Travalena 1933 - 2009

It's been a rough month for celebrities.


Adonis said...

Hey Big Jim, this has nothing to do with this Fred dude, I just couldn't find your e-mail address and was really pissed about something I just read and thought you should share your opinions about it, here's a link,
, this woman is a friggin' maroon!! Her examples and speaking points are ridiculous and just the kind stupid crap you would expect from some tight lipped wasp (or maybe jap). Yeah, not too P.C., my apologies to everyone but this lady I'm talkin' about.

d5thouta5 said...

back to Fred....
per my last e-mail...
Karl was granted a wish....
and he asked for a little relieve from all the pressure....