Grace Is For Sinners
is the story of an insider’s firsthand account of the misguided use of church discipline and the devastating effects on the people it’s supposed to serve. The purpose of this book is to reach out to those who have fallen in their walk of faith and give insight to those who have watched somebody fall. Our sin doesn’t say anything new about us, Jesus didn’t hang on the cross in case you need him, he hung on the cross because you desperately need him. Christians are infamous for their judgements and dissociations. Most just want to make a stand for Jesus, but aren’t sure how to do that when a fellow believer falls. The story within these pages will show you the spiritual side of one woman’s failure, what effect her fellow Christians had, and what she learned about God and grace that has the potential to unravel everything you thought you knew.
Grace Is For Sinners appearances.
Since when did SPS make our middle schools places for evangelicals to convert sinners? Will there be an altar call at the end of the program?
If this is the new policy, then who will save the souls of the students at Carver and Jarrett?
I stumbled on this blog while googling Miss Woods. I work at one of the schools she came to and her message was for the kids to not let anyone put them in a box. She told them that their class, color, shape and mistakes don't define who they are. She told them not to feel limited by statistics because the statistics didn't include them. She had them say 'with attitude' 'The wold hasn't seen me yet!' Her last phrase was: 'Don't let anyone tell you who you are. You tell THEM who you are.' It was great. She didn't seem like an 'evangelist' she seemed to genuinely care about them as individuals with a lot of potential.
She only talked for about 5 minutes, but we were impressed.
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