Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A Lovely Little Rant About Life....

Years ago, when we lived on the Southeast corner of National and Sunshine, where the St. John's Parking Garage is now, my parents would have these incredible dinners and conversations with their friends from across Southern Missouri. My brothers and sisters and I were welcome to participate in the discussions and festivities. While I can't speak for some of my younger siblings, I know that partaking in those gatherings and experiences shaped who I am and what I value to this day.

Last Tuesday Fat Jack posted this lovely little rant about life.

His posting reminded me of the dinners and conversations of my parents and their friends. Music, conversation, discussions, sometimes heated, laughter and camaraderie -- it was all there. It was from this background that "Celebrate Life" evolved.

One activity seemed always to be a part of the festivities, usually towards the end of the evening. It would start simply, usually just one person moving with the earth and then another would join in and the next thing the whole group was dancing.

Thanks, Jack, for rekindling in my heart these wonderful memories of long gone people and events. Dorogoi Dlinnoyu!

Life's been good to me too, but I had to work at it for awhile.

As my Father used to say, as my brothers say, and now, I too, say
Celebrate Life!


Anonymous said...


When I think of people that truly celebrate life and its peaks and valleys...I think you exemplify that approach. Thanks for this post was a good reminder for me today....

admin said...

I love our conversations -- our proverbial bus rides are important to me. I, too, enjoy those discussions with you and the others I do this with frequently. It helps me figure things out.

d5thouta5 said...

The lasting impression from those dinner gatherings are many and varied. Three remain with me to this day....

"God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."

"Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too."

These of course are quotes from Voltaire...

the other was a quote from Leroy Lane...."Focus on this and life will be clearer"