Saturday, July 26, 2008

Who Wrote This Stuff?......

I am a retired teacher. Like most teachers, I graded a lot of papers. Teachers can usually tell when their students wrote their own material and when they copied from others, based on previous examples of the students' written work.

So, when a writer goes from a horrible writer to a dang near good writer almost overnight and you can't track their progress, an apparent conclusion may be that someone other than the purported author wrote it.

I got a letter today from a candidate for the 138th legislative district state representative seat. While I have never seen anything written by this candidate before, I thought the letter looked familiar. This seems to be an almost verbatim copy of a letter sent out by former 138th District State Representative Larry Morris in 2002. Does anyone else remember this also? Does anyone still have a copy of Morris' letter for comparison?


Stu Solomon said...

Jeremy lives in the wrong district. The 138th has proven to be fairly liberal, politically speaking.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Morris stands up for the RIGHT things. We need more men like him in this world of confusion and threats from extremist.

Busplunge said...

Anon 10:55 AM: This posting doesn't question Mr. Morris' stance on anything. It simply questions whether or not Mr. Cady copied Mr. Morris' letter without attributing his source.

Anonymous said...

"for evil to succeed"?? That is rather extreme.

I didn't move to the 138th until 2004, so I didn't see the Morris letter. Sounds like a quote right out of the Morris handbook though.

We'll see if the letter arrives in our mailbox next week. Thanks for the heads up.