Who's that lady? Why the Tea Party will never be a viable force in MO 7
The News Leader's Cory DeVera wrote a story in this morning's News-Leader: Seminars prepare public of the worst:
Dr. Howard Shayne of Fox Grape Family Dentistry told about 40 attendees at the dentistry seminar that he believes hard times are coming, perhaps through a natural disaster like Katrina, an earthquake or a flood, an economic collapse, a terrorist attack, a government breakdown and/or a takeover.
He offered a list of items to put in an emergency pack to prevent dental problems and minimize pain or inflammation in the event of a toothache.
The list included: a tooth brush, tooth paste (optional), dental floss, rounded toothpicks, mouthwash, rubbing alcohol to sterilize, cold and hot packs, dental wax that can be used to temporarily fill in a cavity, tooth paste for sensitive teeth, ibuprofen and/or aspirin, Kank-A for mouth sores, vaseline; and a tea bag, which can be placed on a cut lip to help stop bleeding.
But what if you can't get to a dentist?
"If things go to heck in a handbasket, and there is no dentist, then things are going to change," said Shayne. "Things are going to have to be done we probably can't anticipate."
Besides an array of seminars, attendees could visit with a variety of vendors hawking everything from the "Black Ops School of Combat" training courses, courses on conducting legal research from the Erwin Rommel School of Law, custom water-treatment systems, television antenna, gardening equipment and lab tests.Bring a toothbrush and perhaps a change of underwear.
Several frequent bus riders alerted the driver to the comments on this article, especially this one from KountryKathi, which she posted at 9:50 AM on May 15, 2011:
I went to this on Saturday and was disappointed to say the least. The flyers I saw had all sorts of things that were to be covered and many weren't. The booths had some educational info, but most all were selling their wares. This is fine, but there was no info on how to do it yourself and for less cost than say buying freeze dried food. I asked one person if their filters were interchangeable with another company's set up and she didn't know. Most, but not all, of the seminars were put on by people that were also selling something. The dental one was one that wasn't selling anything, but I didn't wait around 2 hrs to see it either. I think it took us 2 hrs to see everything and we didn't rush thru and did ask questions.Could this be the gal KountryKathi is describing? Can't tell for sure, her face is obscured. Say, is that Senator Roy Blunt serenading her?
On a more positive note, ABC books was there and they carry a lot of books that would help a person be more prepared and self sufficient. There was a booth that was selling Geiger counters and he was actually explaining how any radiation from the nuclear mishaps in Japan are VERY unlikely to cause harm here in the USA.
There was a couple of booths that dealt with what I would call conspiracy theories, but I am sure others consider them the gospel truth.
I would love to see more how to do it yourself information. For example, canning and dehydrating food, how to shelter in place, bug out bags and what sort of disasters we in the Ozarks can expect. There is another one planned for this fall, so we will see.
As to the Tea Party, they had a gal at a booth and the gentleman friend I was with described her as looking like a hooker. Why?? platform heels, skin tight short dress that showed her obviously enhanced boosom and appeared to have had as much facial plastic surgery and botox as Joan Rivers, lolol. Add to that the white cowboy hat with the big feather enhancement, well, you get the picture. If that is how they want people to see them, it is their choice.

Maybe that's Sarah Palin Roy's serenading. Sarah wears a lot of leather. But I've never seen a photo of Sarah in a cowboy. Seen Reagan in one, seen Obama in one, but never seen Palin in one, almost seen it once, but not never.
Naw, that ain't a photo of Sarah Palin. This is a photo of Sarah Palin:

HEY! Who's that lady with Sarah? Is that our Tea Party Gal? Let's take a closer look. That's definitely a white cowboy hat.

Can we a close-up?

And that, bus riders, is why the Tea Party will never be seen as a real political force in MO 7.
A Dairy Queen Blizzard to whomever can identify the gal!

Fed up yet?

Tammy Fae Baker didn't die. She has plastic surgery and is running the Tea Party Patriot HQ in Branson.
Tera Sukman--where do I go for the Blizzard?
Sukman? THAT is funny! Suk man? I'm dyin' laughing.
Put some clothes on that bitch.
Tera Sukman needs to get out of the Tea Party business.
What ever happened to her and her tea?
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