Monday, August 18, 2008

What Happened The Last Time Someone Tried To Start A Tab In My Name At A Drinking Establishment On The Springfield Public Square

This is mighty bold talk for a Martin Truex Junior fan:

"Anyone who wants to come down and share a smoothie is more than welcome to join in...We’ll put drinks on the tab Jim Lee doesn’t yet know he started there."


Jason said...

I don't get the photo...someone shot you while you were complaining about it? ;)

Chris B. said...

It's alright Jim your tab is only $12 so far. Not bad.

longrooffan said...

Hey Bus:

As a not quite native of the Queen City of the Ozarks, but having grown up there, I remember the lore of old...

it can be found here..

thanks to the bus and LOJ for reminding me of this bit of history.

and 12 bucks is cheap for smoothies these days...

still waiting for that Hurricane to pass on through.