Monday, November 01, 2010

I remember, do you?


Anonymous said...

All of these actors will remember Tuesday, November 2, but, not fondly.

Anonymous said...

I remember.
I remember the stock market was at 7000 when Barrack Obama came to town.
I remember which party lowered the rate banks pay for insurance (FDIC) so that when the shit hit the fan and the banks were failing FDIC had a whopping 70 billion to cover trillions in losses. Way to go Republicans.
I remember Enron and that Ken Lay was the White Houses #1 visitor. Privileged son of a bitch high rolled while his employees pensions took the dive and left them all with no pensions, no jobs and no hope.
I remember a lot more, but you get the drift.
P.S. Oh, and boy do I remember what that low life Roy Blunt was up to during the Bush years. I'd crawl in the mud to vote against that creep.

Anonymous said...

$4 a gallon gas and zip from the White House. While people were deciding whether to buy gas to get to work or make house payments our President was mum. No press conferences, not even, "I'm sorry". What a cowardly bunch.

Anonymous said...

I remember Bailouts, Stimulus Packages, Cap & Trade, Obamacare, 3Trillion $ added to debt, bowing to foreign leaders, lots of golf, Harry, Nancy, Barney, and, and, and that's all folks.

Anonymous said...


and freddie and fannie and unemployment a lot higher than 4 years ago and the housing market bust (thanks to franks and waters) and the stopping the fence on the border and a timetable of withdrawal from the war areas.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:01 PM and 3:19 PM:

To paraphrase GB -- Heck of a job you're doing there, Brownie!