Saturday, November 20, 2010

Billy Long, he wore the hat, he wore his black cowboy boots

no American flag label pin....yet.Representative-elect Billy Long, D-Mo., and his staffers kill time as they wait for the roll call for the House of Representatives office lottery in the Rayburn House office building Friday. Long drew sixth from last and decided to not even look at offices, opting to look at what was available after the other 78 incoming representatives have chosen. SHFWire photo by Adam Liebendorfer

Read more here.


Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

Wardell always wore his pin with the Marine Flag too every time I saw him....

Should we have voted him instead of this guy? Maybe Wardell can start a better fight than before..

Anonymous said...

Wardell is a zero. No personality; only half a smart as he wants you to believe; and a true outsider to this area.

All of you Wardell well-wishers (and a very small number that is) are trying to push a rope-handled wheelbarrow. Enjoy.