Monday, March 26, 2012

Billy Long luncheon speaker for Private Law Librarians

Speech topic "How a bill becomes a law in real life or how much it costs to drop a bill."

Private Law Librarians Summit Luncheon speaker announced
March 21, 2012

The Summit Luncheon speaker will be Congressman Billy Long, a freshman legislator from Missouri. Congressman Long recently wowed the crowd at the Washington Press Club Foundation dinner. He will speak on How a Bill Becomes Law – In Real Life! Watch for details later.

We would like to extend a special thanks to Thomson Reuters for sponsoring the PLL Summit Luncheon and speaker.

Your luncheon speaker Billy Long
From: Jim Lee
To: Steven A. Lastres Chair of PLL.

Dear Mr. Lastres,

I received the following google alert regarding your AALL12PLL Summitt Luncheon speaker Billy Long.

I am a constituent of Mr. Long and was amused by the topic of Mr. Long's proposed speech: HOw a bill becomes a law in real life.

You may be interested in knowing that last March, Long co-sponsored a bill because Peter King asked him to, Long later said he didn't know what was in the bill. When bloggers broke the story, the SN-L interviewed Long: "But when asked about the provision in the bill that would sell off the frequency used by amateur radio operators, Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to and because the bill is supported by many organizations that are committed to public safety, something he values."

Last April, in an appearance before the Joplin Tea Party (Long told NPR he was 'tea party before tea party was cool'*) in Joplin, MO "The National Auctioneer's Association called the office and they said, "We want you to proclaim the third Saturday in April, which a lot of states already have an auctioneer's day, a lot of cities already have an auctioneer's day. They say, "We'd like for you to 'drop that bill'." The NAA was a major contributor to Long's campaign, giving $5,000 in June 2010 and another $5,000 after Billy dropped the bill.

Read more here:

Jim Lee

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----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Google Alerts
Sent: Mon, March 26, 2012 6:08:24 PM
Subject: Google Alert - "Billy Long"
Web 1 new result for "Billy Long"

AALL12 PLL Summit Luncheon speaker Congressman Billy Long
AALL12 PLL Summit Luncheon speaker Congressman Billy Long (7th MO) will speak on how a bill becomes law in real life!!/AALL2012/status/182803319595601920

*Running as a "tea party" candidate, Long told NPR shortly after he was elected, that he "was tea party before tea party was cool." Long has distanced himself from the tea party in Washington (most likely on the advice of Roy Blunt, his predecessor) but still promotes his involvement when he returns to the district.

1 comment:

Busplunge said...

I received a reply to my email, actually it wasn't my email, it was my tweet.

The law librarians said the committee vetted their speaker and, as reference, linked to the Washington Post account of the correspondents' dinner.

I thought that was funny because the writer of that article said this about Mr. Long: "His secret weapon: Fat guy jokes — a surefire tactic for a crowd (journalists, lobbyists, lawmakers) too blurry on banquet wine to appreciate more cerebral humor."