Thursday, September 23, 2010

There Is A Difference Between Saying You Are

"Fed Up" In A Campaign Commercial And Saying You Are "Fed Up" In A Campaign Commercial And Actually Having A Record Of Doing Something About Being "Fed Up" As Opposed To Just Saying "I'm Fed Up" In A Campaign Commercial.

This is Scott Eckersley. He was "fed up" when "fed up" wasn't cool.
This is Scott Eckersley's website.
Scott Eckersley is the guy who went head to head with big government and, despite a vicious smear campaign by Matt Blunt's (and Ed Martin) administration, was exonerated.*

Eckersley was "Fed Up" and did something about it.
He's got a new campaign commercial up:

Here' a campaign commercial from his opponent, auctioneer Billy Long, just another angry white guy:

*In 2007, Eckersley was an attorney in the office of Governor Matt Blunt. His duties included responding to requests for open records. Eckersley was fired after he said he advised the governor's staff of their duty to maintain e-mails as part of Missouri's Sunshine Law. Eckersley's morals and professionalism were called into question during the ensuing scandal. He was exonerated in letters from current Attorney General Chris Koster, Gov. Jay Nixon and the Missouri Bar Association. -Springfield News-Leader, July 27, 2010.


  1. Billy is schmoozing with those career politicians in Washington he was fed up with two months ago. Fed up is all talk in Billy Long's world.

  2. Billy Long, all hat and no cattle.

    Eckersley supports 7th District business.

    Long doesn't.

    That's why I'm "FED UP" with Billy
