Auctioneer Billy Long who is campaigning to replace arguably one of the most corrupt member of Congress, Congressman Blunt seems to have a difficult time answering direct questions from constituents, especially when those question pertain to Social Security.
Frequent Bus riders will remember the stop Long made in Joplin at Missouri Southern State University on September 1, 2010. Appearing before the College Republicans Club, the auctioneer ignored a reporter's question about Social Security: Congressional Candidate Billy Long takes questions in Joplin.
At an appearance of the Spending Revolt Bus here in Springfield on September 13, 2010, the auctioneer chose to ignore the question; "If you get to Washington are you in favor of privatizing Social Security?"
On September 13, 2010, when appearing at the MSU College Republicans Club, when asked if he was in favor of raising the social security age to 70, Long replied, "No. no. uh-uh. I'm on record on that."
On September 7, 2010, at the first stop of the "Billy Long Business Tour", I was present and presented the auctioneer with some questions, questions about Social Security:
Female: I have a question, I worry if Social Security is privatized, like the folk, like you know, Blunt and Bush wanted to do in 2005, what would happen to us with our money? And uh, cause I know the private money we had was lost, well over a third of that money.
Billy Long (BL): Yeah.
Male: I'm concerned about my son, you know, his future and so forth.
Female: Yeah.
Male: And you know.
BL: I'm concerned about our future. You know we used to say we're worried about our grand kids, you know
Male: Yeah.
BL: our grand kids, spending our grand kids' future and we said
Male: right.
BL: we said we're spending out kids' future and right now we're spending out future so it's what.
Jim Lee (JL): Well, uh, I, uh, I feel like I'm 62 years old and just whenI get ready to collect Social Security, Boehner's talking about raising the, uh, retirement age to seventy and, and I thought, My God, I worked my butt off for forty plus years.
BL: Yeah, we got to honor our commitment to people.
JL: Yeah.
BL: We can't, we got to honor our commitment to seniors.
JL: Well, then, are you saying that, uh, you would consider raising the Social Security retirement age to seventy?
BL: Listen, I'm, I think we need to honor our commitment to our seniors.
JL: So you would vote against, if John Boehner got to be Speaker of the House, you would vote against his plan to raise the Social Security age to
BL: I haven't looked at his plan, to be honest. But I'm not for raising the age of Social Security right now at all.
Female: For any reason? Not even for the future?
BL: We're talking about for now.
Female: Ok.
JL: Well, well, well.
The problem here is that Long told the three of us that he is not for raising the Social Security age right now at all. He didn't answer when we asked for clarification.
So we turn to other sources of information about Long, surveys and questionairres he has answered and who he accepted donations from. If he accepts money from NARAL, that is a pretty good indicator his is pro-choice. If he receives an endorsement from PROMO, that is a pretty good indication he is in favor of gay marriage.
Look now at a story in this morning's SN-L about political surveys:
"That's just another out-of-state survey," said Republican candidate for 7th District Billy Long. "We get a jillion of them. There are a bunch of others I don't fill out. I've got my positions listed on my website."
Researchers at Project Vote Smart were "unable to determine how Long stood on privatizing Social Security, capital punishment and regulations to affect climate change."
While we don't know how many surveys or questionnaires the auctioneer/political candidate didn't answer (somehow the number "jillions" seems to be quite the exageration), he did find time to respond questions from two groups that a simple google search picked up: "Citizens Against Government Waste" who said "Billy Long responded to CCAGW’s questionnaire and signed CCAGW’s ‘No Earmark Pledge'.
The auctioneer also answered a survey for "Conservative Congress". He received this group's endorsement also. Conservative Congress supports candidates who seek to dismantle the Department of Education and Social Security.
From the Conservative Congress website:
Conservative Congress supports candidates who are committed to de-regulating and dismantling wasteful federal social agencies and programs. Specifically, Conservative Congress supports candidates who seek to dismantle the Department of Education and Social Security, by and through constructive reforms, and who firmly oppose the expansion of federal control over our nation’s healthcare industry.In endorsing Billy Long, the Conservative Congress says he is an approved candidate and fully in line with their mission statement.
Long also is a of 'vanguard' member of John Boehner's Freedom Project
By looking at these groups and their positions on Social Security, and their endorsement of Billy Long and his acceptance of their endorsements (remember how Long was all over Goodman for accepting casino donations? I do.) can only mean one of two things:
1. Billy really does not want to raise the age of or dismantle social security and he accepts these groups' endorsements because .... well I don't know why he would accept them unless he agrees with their positions in issues such as social security.
2. Billy is exactly who John Kerry is referencing about when he said, “We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,”
Are you "FED UP" now?
Billy don't need no stinking Social Security.
ReplyDeleteBilly don't want to pay for no stinking Social Security for others.
Bill just like every other rich, stinking son-of-a-bitch, conservative, socialy depressing, Republican businessman in Springfield.
I say tax the hell out of them.