After too long of an interlude, we returned last night to our chronicling of "Leaves From An Ozark Journal", the reminisces of Ozark preacher E.T. Sechler. We pick up from where the bus stopped last night:
Church basement being built at the Houston Church. Delmar and Della Pownall went to Nagle with me. Big crowd here. Glad to meet the Bradford family with whom I stayed overnight in 1929 when preaching at Clear Springs. Very few members at Nagle.
Letter from Vernon Kiess in Colorado. He sent $5.00 to help send youth of Oak Hill to Lindenlure Camp.
July 7, Dr. Fisher's funeral at Plato. Mrs. Johnson's at Pisgah. Lynden James Fisher,1859 - 1937
Nora sick, Lulu doing the housework with Mrs. Maurer helping. To Dallas County, Lulu and Louise stayed in R.B. Turner home in Buffalo.
Services at Lindley, 20 present. Mrs. Haney thought it "unusual to have four young men at church and attentive." Overnight at Haney's. I learned of George Watkins gift of $1,000 for Dallas County work. He sold 98 acres of land near Indianapolis for $300 per acre and now subsidizes the ten Christian Churches in Dallas County $100 each.
Talk with Lulu about father's estate. Grace's estate is to be shared equally. Took Lulu and Louise to Faye Taylor's house for Club meeting.
Made talk at Lynchburg CCC Camp on "What Happens In Prayer." Men attentive.
Full house at Long Hollow services. At home Nora informed me that Lulu wrote Will to advance us estate money. Dr. Tilley absorbed C.E. losses on the Success Picnic stand.
At Camp Aurora I met Mr. and Mrs. Loomis from University of Missouri.Loomis rather socialistic in Rural Church Problems Class. Professor Eckoff disappointed in that the Director of the Camp smokes.
Eckoff reported how in New O'Leans People say they can tell a clergyman--"." Eckhoff thinks Christianity has compromised too much with the world. I agreed.
July 13. At Dave McWilliams for supper. 45 at Evening Shade services. Friedly told me how people there are about ready to go back to a Union Sunday School. More sickness at home.
July 16. A trip to Springfield, Talks with Errett and Lulu. $300 check from Will.
At Houston July 18 the Board reported all bills paid. $50 in the bank. Prosperity returning. Nora and I both sick. Earl Brown drove for me to Oak Hill. A sense of failure experienced.
Dr. Tilley tells me his ambition now it to quit medicine and help his community in school and church. I learned of his $5,000 annual income in years past.
A letter form Bob Crawford at Summersville to come baptize him. Mrs. Crawford ready for baptism also. Tears were shed.
Some hard feelings in Summersville over the question, "Who wrote the card for the liquor inspector to come?" I replied, "I did," but refused to tell who asked me to write it.Reading Dale Carnegie---"How To Influence People."
Baptized Christine Marler Aug.14, 9 A.M. Youth gave Camp echoes at C.E. Aug. 15. Two confessions and baptisms at Houston. Church voted to finish the basement. Clara Creason staying with the children at home.
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