Tuesday, June 29, 2010

While Lunching With Roy

And Lucas Case, Karl shows us what he really thinks about #SGF and the 7th District. With a "get in the door" price of $500, a photo op price of a thousand bucks and a private roundtable chat with Karl for $2400 -- Roy's Other Friend Jack didn't make the party, he was too busy flipping pizzas!


  1. It was a very, very,very small crowd. Roy had to be disappointed.

  2. Woohoo!

    Turdblossom got mad and refused to rap & dance.


  3. Lucas Case has been a paid operative of the Missouri Republican Party, twice removed. He has been a paid political operative for the Barklage Consulting firm handling campaigns for area GOP Senate Candidates and Goodman, twice removed. Doing the same for some GOP Legislative candidates, soem being not too happy; and finally, a lap dog for the Executive Director of the Republicans in SW MO, old what's-her-name, who is working daily at the expense or Roy Blunt to elect Jack Goodman.

    Wow! Talk about in-breeding!
