April 16. Called on E.C. and learned E.C. Jr. and Billy Sechler won gold medals in the Nevada Music Tournament. At Charity I learned that Ralph Burtin won Oratorical Contest and four medals in H.S. Overnight at Loftin's.
At Springfield, Virgil helped me trade my car for a 1934 Studebaker, $340 difference.
Apr. 18 preached at Sunnyside. 21 present. Closing the pastorate at Stoutland in order to preach at Houston. A very happy pastorate.
Apr. 21 at Long Hollow. 69 people present and seven cars. Eight years ago when I preached here, there were 68 people and no cars except my own.
Texas County Ministerial Alliance met at Houston April 26. I reviewed Tolstoi's book, "My Religion." His doctrine of pacifism and abolition of civil courts set preacher--into a fifteen minute explosion.
Committee appointed to see County officers about what can be done about Roadhouses.
April 28. A-C-E Social at Plato Gym. 100 present. Raised money to send two delegates to Lebanon Convention.
Next day left with Erret for Aurora Convention--32 preachers and over 100 other delegates. I met F.E. Smith who came to me and told me Relief was allowed to S.T. Sims. A good talk by M.T. Pope on Tithing. Lindenlure Camp advertised, faculty meeting called with Vere Rogers present. Virgil Havens of Africa on the program. District Board drifting into Urban control. Convention goes to Rolla in 1938.
At Summersville I objected to the druggist selling whiskey to one of my alcoholic friends. The druggist put the bottle back on the shelf. A frank talk with Mr. and Mrs. ------- telling them they were too high type people to be in this business. They soon sold the store and I baptized both of them. Another alcoholic friend once had $36,000 checking account. Now he is bankrupt.
May 2. Big rain on tis Sunday. Earl Smith and I water-bound. We studied S.S. lesson in my car. First time in years to miss S.S. Only 21 at Summersville and 26 in Plato S.S.
Preached Baccalaureate Sermon at Plato.
Finished reading "God in a Rolls Royce," a story by Father Divine.
Dr. Tilley gave $50 more to Plato Church Building Fund.
May 6. Made talk at CCC Camp. On next Sunday 140 people at church at Plato---40 were CCC boys. Mothers Day Program.
Near 200 persons at Prairie Point for Basket Dinner and County Meeting. Six churches represented. J.H. Jones failed to come. Forty delgates from Plato in Mase Reardon truck. Hade Arnold said we had one accident--"an accident we didn't get stuck." Eighty people at Plato 8 P.M. Chaplain McAfee preached sermon, "Highway to Happiness."
For previous installments of Leaves From An Ozark Journal, click here.
Macaulay Culkin is not home alone. He was riding in Mase Reardon's truck to the county meeting.