Friday, May 07, 2010

I've Been Busy....

Frequent Bus Riders have commented that the bus doesn't seem to be running on schedule lately, to which I reply, "I've been busy."

Warm weather means working in the yard, openning the cabins, sealing decks, washing windows, mowing grass, cleaning out the barns, travelling to Iowa to pick up a new vehicle and soaking in all that sunshine and taking a leaf from brother John and "What I Saw Today."

I think sometimes the bus runs more frequently when the weather outside is frightful.

You can still ride the bus, albeit a shortened schedule, on Facebook.

An even more abbreviated route (140 characters) is "busplunge" on the twitter.


  1. Hey, I think I own one of those cars. Nope, I'm sure of it.

  2. I'm needin' a parade car.

  3. glad to see you are out and about, especially since you have gone over that 60 figure, 61 and counting eh?

    so where's the picture of the new truck from Ioway?

  4. Sorry to see Busplunge was a good ride.....strange at times, funny other times, but a ride nonetheless. thanks for you comments over the years...and, keep that bus in a good dry storage....peace out plunge.

  5. Hey!

    The Bus ride ain't over, just on a summer schedule, sort of like summer school!
