Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'll Be Busy....

Yesterday was the filing deadline for most federal, state and county offices in Missouri.

For a brief moment I thought it would have been humorous to find a bunch of guys with the same names as some candidates and get them to file. Or get some guys with the same name to file for the same post on different tickets, especially in uncontested races.

But, unlike the manipulations that may or may not be played by some, I take my government too serious to pull crap like that.

But it always strikes me as interesting how some elected officials think the gubmint is too dang big and want to downsize it ... I notice those same guys who beef about gubmint being too big still draw a fat gubmint check with health benefits and ain't gonna give up their social security or medicare benefits. Oh, and don't forget the gov't pension either.

In my opinion, if you are an elected official and you really believe limited government also means having the right layer of government doing the right job-- why are you still here?They're everywhere! They're EVERYWHERE!


  1. Great fun. I know you'll be on the twitter RSS, it will be a fun blogging day

  2. Exactly Jim. When you consider they get their salary for life, even if they only serve one term in Congress, and full medical benefits, that alone makes them all the "elite".

    I have to say I dislike them all equally.
