Representative Tim Jones had an opinion piece on healthcare in Saturday's SN-L about a bill he is sponsoring that would shield state from federal health care mandates
Today, Len Eagleburger shared some of his correspondence with Representative Tim Jones regarding this issue. Eagleburger cc'ed his emails to Representative Jones to several of his email contacts. Following are transcripts of the emails in chronological order.
From: len eagleburger
Sent: Sat 3/13/2010 1:54 PM
To: Tim Jones
Subject: Political Science 101
As their hero, Ronald Reagan put it...."there they go again"! Missouri Republican lawmakers evidently are ignorant of the US Constitution. Federal law supercedes state law. If Missouri enacts a amendment to the state constitution, it cannot conflict with federal law if and when it passes health-care reform. The amendment will be tied up in federal court and eventually annulled. Just another case of Republican legislators wasting time and resources when they could be passing laws to actually help Missourians, not trying to promote their own narrow-minded agendas...
Len Eagleburger
Springfield, MO
From: Tim Jones
Subject: RE: Political Science 101
To: "len eagleburger"
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 3:57 PM
Mr. Eagleburger,
Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately, you are incorrect sir.
As an attorney and a student of the US Constitution, I would be HAPPY to cite you numerous cases where State Statututes, much less State Constitutions, have stood up to and yes, even defeated, Federal Statutes.
Perhaps sir you are ignorant of (and must be ignorant of) that little inconvenient thing called the Tenth Amendment.
Here are examples of some case citations where State Statutes have TRUMPED Federal Statutes:
US v. Lopez
Printz v. US
NY v. US
Mack v. US
I would also be happy to send you a copy of my Law Journal article that I wrote on this topic about 15 years ago.
Finally, you must be a big fan of the giant, government run, entitlement driven takeover program known as ObamaCare which will invade our lives like nothing before in history, will cost over 2 TRILLION DOLLARS (yes, sir, the CBO finally revised their estimates last week after Republican Congressman Paul Ryan called them on the carpet) and is simply a horrible idea...the insurance mandate has failed in Maine and is failing in Massachusetts but that does not stop the Big O, Pelosi and Reid from their diabolical plan.
And perhaps you have been living under a rock for the past year or so but a strong, vocal, massive majority of Americans, much less Missourians, do not want Obama's Faux Care plan.
Wake up sir, smell the Conservative Coffee!
Rep. Tim Jones.
From: One of Len's email recipients
Subject: Re: Political Science 101
To: "len eagleburger"
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 8:39 PM
About Jones...
"Birther" lawsuit
Jones is a "Birther," a plaintiff represented by attorney/dentist Orly Taitz in a lawsuit against President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, alleging that President Obama is not the lawful Commander in Chief, based on the allegation that he is not a "natural born citizen." [1] The lawsuit was dismissed on October 29, 2009.
Group and Church Memberships
Jones and his family attend church at the Most Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Eureka, and is a past president of the church's Parish Council. Additionally, Jones is a member of the Board of Directors and the Development Committee at SSM St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation-Kirkwood; Second Vice President, Member of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee for the West St. Louis County Lions Club; member of the Board of Directors and pro bono legal counsel for the Eureka Historical Society; a member of both the Eureka and Chesterfield Chambers of Commerce; and is involved in the Rockwood School District Partners in Education and in the Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education program, where he is a frequent lecturer and published author.
Elected career
In 2006, Jones announced his intention to run to replace the outgoing Jack Jackson in the Missouri House of Representatives. Jones garnered 53% of the vote in a 3-way primary race, and ran unopposed in the general election. In 2008, Jones faced minimal opposition, even receiving the endorsement of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He won reelection with over 70% of the vote.
From: Jim Lee
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Political Science 101
To: "len eagleburger" et all
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 10:43 PM
And, seeing as he is apparently a devout Roman Catholic, I am sure he believes in social justice and economic justice.
Jim Lee
From: len eagleburger
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Political Science 101
To: "Jim Lee"
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 10:48 PM
Was that a test joke?
From: Jim Lee
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Political Science 101
To: "len eagleburger"
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 11:07 PM
Glenn Beck says that those two phrases, social justice and economic justice, are code words the liberals use for socialism and communism. He wants christians everywhere to report to their pastors anyone who uses those words.
This Davis guy, based on his replies to you and his birther history, probably doesn't believe in social justice or economic justice.
He also apparently has no sense of constituent service, his email to you was not the kind of correspondence I would want from an elected state rep.
But then, it's Tim Davis.
Jim Lee
(I refer to Jones as Davis in this email. Len forwarded this email,as he has all in this series of exchanges. to his recipients and to Representative Tim Jones.)
From: Tim Jones
Subject: RE: Re: Fw: Re: Political Science 101
To: "len eagleburger"
Cc: Jim Lee
Date: Sunday, March 14, 2010, 12:16 AM
Mr. Eagleburger and Mr. Lee,
First of all...I laugh at you...typical left wing character both make me is too easy to debate you and fact, to quote a famous man, I'm doing it with half my brain tied behind my back!
I am not really sure what the point is that you two are trying to make but you obviously are extremely ill-informed and largely ignorant of politics, government and law in Missouri and on the Federal level.
First of all...I see you have taken to scouring the Internet for the sake of personal character assassination...a typical ploy of the left wing fringe of which you both must be a part of. Don't believe eveything you read on the Internet...I know Al Gore invented it and all but you know...I have no idea what you are talking about relating to the Birther stuff.
Second, the Davis you are referring to is Cynthia Davis...that makes her a female, not a "guy".
Third, I am Tim Jones (not more carefully you embarassing for you both!)...I represent the good and largely conservative folks of the 89th District in Eureka and Wildwood (the home of Six Flags!) All of my constituents think the Democrats on the Federal level have pretty much ruined the country over the last 14 months.
Fourth, speaking of Federal guys have COMPLETELY OWNED THE POWER on the Federal level over the last 14 have the House, the Senate and the White House...but you CANNOT get ObamaCare passed and you cannot get Cap and Trade passed. In fact, you haven't gotten anything passed except for trillions of dollars in new spending.
Do you know why you cannot get anything passed? Because moderate and conservative Dems know how CRAZY people like you fringe folks really are and how completely ridiculous all of these socialist leaning destructive bills are. That is why ObamaCare has not passed and that is why Obama has had a horrible first year in office and why he has plummeted faster in approval ratings than any President in history.
You have and your ilk...Pelosi/Reid/Obama...despite having the House, the Senate and the White have FAILED.
I am sorry you have such bitter Grapes of Wrath now but the American People have been the ones who have stopped Obama's socialist left leaning destructive agenda...not the Republicans.
And the American People will have the last word in November...give me a call after election day and we can compare notes on how we each did.
Finally...Jesus never said "The Government Should Do Everything for the People"...he said that each of us, as individuals, should take care of our fellow man. I do that every much do you give to charity? I give a ton...want to compare notes on that as well you hypocrites? Give to Ceasars what is Ceasars, give to God what is God's.
You keep your Government out of my doctor's office, out of my pocketbook and out of my business.
Now go bother your own State Rep and State Senator with your foolish left wing diatribes.
Maybe some day you'll both be lucky though and you can vote for me for Governor!
God Bless!
And so ends Representative Jones' email to Eagleburger and myself. I like the statement Jones makes: You keep your Government out of my doctor's office, out of my pocketbook and out of my business.
But Wait, There's MORE!
This jerk is a State Representative????
ReplyDeleteI think he needs to take his thinking and go to Texas with all those idiots (Bush included)....
Oh I forgot
Isn't he one of those government people, how and where do his campaign funds come from?????
same place as Blunt probably
Wow. Just Wow.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I hope he will be keeping his goverment out of the doctors offices of any woman who needs to discuss a private reproductive issue with her physician for many years to come.
"You keep your Government out of my doctor's office, out of my pocketbook and out of my business."
ReplyDeleteI wonder, given that statement, what Representative Jones' position is on the following:
1. abortion
2. equal rights
3. gay marriage
4. predatory loan offices
5. privacy issues
Don't worry, I will never vote for this man for governor either.
Timothy W. Jones may treat his constituents in his district in such an impolite and condescending manner and continue to get elected, but he won't get many votes for a state-wide office with that kind of mouth and manners! Can you imagine what he would be like if he had any sort of power and authority??!
ReplyDeleteCareful there, Bus. He's a big city lawyer. I think you may have violated his right to be a dumbass in confidence.
ReplyDeleteJones is an idiot. If you actually read the four cases he cites, no state law "trumped" a federal law. I wrote to Jones and asked him to specify which laws were at issue, and he couldn't.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best and brightest the Show Me state has to offer?
Jones is like Long, a complete embarrassment to the citizens of the State of Missouri.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for Jay Nixon trying to survive with people that don't have sense enough to come in out of the rain. How Repukes get elected is beyond me....well not really, those that elect them are like them undoubtedly.