Friday, September 19, 2008

Style Over Substance And Sexy Tractors

One thing I like about the WWW is how things relate to one another, they sort of "web" together. Or, as some are wont to think, the WWW is like a set of interconnected tubes.

So, I riding the tubes and ended up at Life in The Garden and read this post: Style Over Substance. My Dad drove a Jeep station wagon when we lived in Jefferson Barracks. He was an editor for Bernard Nordmann at The Neighborhood News a neighborhood newspaper in South St. Louis. In Springfield, the role of "The Neighborhood News" has developed into publications like the Community Free Press and local bloggers.

I can remember when I was a young boy going with Dad to the newspaper office and print shop. I love the smell of printer's ink, it smells like....I can truthfully say I got printer's ink in my blood-it's a long story and involves a tirp to the hospital. And the noise of the presses, clickety click, clickety click, and the pressman who would make me a printer's cap out of newspaper.

Anyhow, Lmhall mentions Mr. Brook Stephens who designed, among other things, the lawnboy lawnmower (I got one), the steam iron (got one), clothes dryer (got one), outboard motor (got one), Jeep station wagon (had one) and the sexy tractor (whish I had one).

Click on this link to read a bit about that tractor that farmers drove to church on Sunday: Minneapolis Moline UDLX, The Gentleman's Tractor.

Thanks for the memories, Lmhall!


  1. Does your Lawn Boy start on the first pull?

  2. Saw one of these MMs while in Conn. Must say I fell in love with it. Price tag was way too high for this poor farmer.
    She is a beaut and well worth it.
