Monday, September 01, 2008

Springfield's Labor Day Parade: Pictures On My Camera

A short roof like John's longroof!

138th District State Representative Sara Lampe (in the hat, back to camera) passing out apples.

A very nice 1953 Ford Jubilee Tractor!

Jacob and his dad's 1948 Jeep! They sold me a passenger seat frame from their parts jeep.

Greene County Circuit Clerk candidate Jim Lee (holding shovel) and his younger brother, Tom waiting for the start of the 2008 Springfield Labor Day Parade.

Tom on the stage coach, from the left, Kristin, Jaycee and son Jim.

Walking the parade route, yes I used the shovel to shovel horse manure deposited on the street by the horses.

Teamster President Jim Kabell introducing Greene County Circuit Clerk candidate Jim Lee at the Springfield MO Labor Day Picnic.

Greene County Ciruit Clerk candidate Jim Lee explaining to the crowd that he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty cleaning up messes.

Craig Hosmer and Jim Lee pose for the camera.


  1. Now there's a candidate that isn't afraid of "getting his hands dirty" to get the job done. I approve.

  2. ditto...there you go up the bs left by least this time you hand a part in spreading the bs...
    Good Luck is time that we have a voice in Govt. that is not afraid of the status quo....
    give hell harry....

  3. Boy did I love the parade.

    Got to run three red lights in Spgfld with the locals watching. Oh let a country boy into the city.

    On a side note, it was a pleasure to see the older folks (ones older than Jim and I) applauding as we went by. Back in our youth, at a parade if you liked the entry, you applauded. Lots of people were cheering Jim on today.

    Now on to next weekend when we do it again.

    Jim should be pretty good at shoveling all the %&$% come election time.

    Sorry I missed the speech, next time we put horses in Little Jim's back yard while we party the afternoon away.

    Horsefarmer and Barngoddess1

  4. Jim,

    It was a pleasure seeing you today, though you have no idea you saw me. *laughs* (I was the parade judge with the beard).

    Best of luck in the election - I got some great photos of the bus. More on my FLIKR page.


  5. Midwestern recluse,

    could you send me jpgs of the stagecoach pics?

    link thru

  6. You should have put on the end of this, "I'm Jim Lee and I approve this message."

    Classic effigy, man.

  7. Jim,

    I am just glad Mr. Kabell did not have a shopping cart around....I heard he is dangerous with those things. Could you take your shovel up to St. Paul....I think there is going to be a lot of manure to clean up in the next few days.

    Bus Rider (with car sickness)

    Over and Out

  8. The pictures are great. Not as good as being there but....

    I had a great time at Scott(e)'s house!

    Brauts, burgers, family! Great combo.

  9. Jim,

    Is this your first run for pubic office? I would like to know more about past runs, if any, results. How do we know your stand on the another website with detail info. I like what I see so far....and I like the Donkey...but want to know more.


  10. DemDon---

    I'm running for Greene County Circuit Clerk.

    The issues in the race are accuracy, efficiency, competency, the ability to read and follow directions, and who has the capability to judiciously lead and manage the office.

    Most of us will never have any contact with the Circuit Clerk's office. But if we should, our expectations are such that our business will be conducted in a timely manner, that the information contained in our case file will be accurate and up-to-date, and that we will be treated with the dignity, respect and professionalism that we deserve from our public servants.

    I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm and your support. I welcome your email comments and questions.

    In 2002, 138th District:
    Jim Lee (D) 5120 49.44%
    Larry Morris (R) 5237 50.56%

    To give a perspective of my showing in this election (which was one of the closest house races in Missouri), Jim Viebrock (R)received 70% of the votes in the 134th district, Roy Holand (R)received 73% of the vote in the 135th district and Mark Wright (R) received 61% of the vote in the 137th district.

    In 2004 Sara Lampe (D) beat Morris by over 1,000 votes. She defeated Steve Helms (R) in 2006: 7172 votes for Lampe, 5256 votes for Helms.

    Jim Lee

  11. Well said.

