Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh My....SomeThings Are Right In The World

Like This.


  1. No excuse for using that kind of language. It's people like him that give fuel to the folks who want to claim anyone not voting for Obama is racist.

  2. I know Ziggie's was there, but prior to that?

  3. Jason, I don wanna poor fuel on da fire, butt donja tink that the reason the guy ain't votin' for Obama is becuz he IS racist

  4. Sambo's, along with many other restaurants, would give kids a free meal and a little cake on their birthday. Karen was a quiet kid who tried to avoid attention -- like servers singing "Happy Birthday". Her mom thought we should go for a cheap meal, I didn't want to support Sambo's (although it could have been a black-owned franchise). I told Karen at Sambo's they make you stand up on the counter and sing "Happy Birthday" to yourself. Needless to say she didn't want to go.

    The Sambo's chain tried to say they didn't understand why people thought they had a racial theme. I guess it was the tiger chasing the black kid until he turned into a puddle. In St. Louis Sambo's became Seasons Restaurants but they didn't last either.
