Friday, September 19, 2008

I Am SO Glad Social Security Didn't Get Privatized.....

If it had, there would be a bunch of short checks next month.

Re the Pizza House: my family and my wife's family and our family have been eating there for over 45 years. I seem to recall that most of the businesses around there closed at 5---wasn't there an office supply store there? and a couple of hair cutting places. I know there used to be a hobby shop in there a long time ago, I bought model cars and trucks in there. And the Pizza House didn't used to open until 5.

Oh well, good pizza there, I like the burnt edges. Back in the 1960s, we used to go eat there after CYO meetings. It was always a treat. Our children and grandchildren eat there. Once, a crazy kid tried to bite Sophie on the head. What?!?

MMMmmm, large sausage and mushroom, two salads with creamy italian and two waters. It just don't get much better than that.

Unless of course, you are from Phillie and like a Philadephia Cheese Steak wit whiz.

And finally, this just about seems to sum everything up that has happened today:


  1. I'll have to get in and check out this place before it's gone.

  2. No tried to bite Sophie. That mean little booger chomped down on her poor little head. She recovered nicely, her mother however.... well that's another story.
    I will miss Pizza House and hope they open up somewhere else.

  3. guess this is why we have such good memories...
    did notice Julie Andrews' voice singing however...
    nothing is ever as it seems....
