Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sidewalks Going To A Street That Really Needs Them. Thanks To Those At "The City" Who Took The Time To Listen To People Living On The Three Streets

Remember this post and this one too?
Almost everyone who lives on New Street and Ferguson Street signed the following statement:
We appreciate the sentiment that lead to the decision to build sidewalks in the 1600 blocks of South Ferguson, South New and South Weaver. However, as residents who live on these streets, we believe that the money expended for this effort would be better spent if it were allocated to the Police and Fireman’s Pension Fund. If that is not possible, we would suggest that the money be spent on sidewalk improvements to South Fort Street and South Campbell Street as identified on page 25 of the Fassnight Neighborhood Assessment Report, accepted by the Springfield City Council on October 18, 2004: “Increase pedestrian safety on sidewalks located along S. Campbell Avenue and S. Fort Avenue by realigning them so they are separated from the street by a grassy parkway.”
Today, the dig rite people were repainting the street and curbs and right of way with purple and yellow spray paint and placing the little flags. As I got ready to take photos of the little flags and lament what we in the neighborhood thought was the coming of the sidewalks, Doug Thomas, a Senior Engineering Technician with the Department of Public Works came by and told me the sidewalks were being moved to Stanford Avenue, between Portland School and Grant or Campbell.

Thanks to those at "The City" who took the time to listen to the people who lived on these three streets in our neighborhood.

Thank you.