In other news, if you are a city management team member or city management team secretary and you want to give information, solicited or unsolicited, to a member of City Council, you must have Bob/Evelyn's approval before you can do that.I can understand Bob/Evelyn wanting to know what is going on in the city and wanting to know what questions Council is asking city employees and what city employees are telling Council. I can understand it but this sounds like filtering what Council hears and knows. So much for transparency in government.
Oh yeah, staff recommends approval!
COUNCIL BILL 2008-114. (Manley) (...staff recommend approval.)
COUNCIL BILL 2008-122. (Carlson) (Staff recommends approval.) (The bill was approved.)
COUNCIL BILL 2008-095. (Carlson) (Staff...recommend approval.) (The bill was approved.)
COUNCIL BILL 2008-096. (Carlson) (The bill was approved.) What? No staff approval?
COUNCIL BILL 2008-097. (Wylie) (...staff recommend approval.)
COUNCIL BILL 2008-098. (Manley) (...staff recommend approval.)
COUNCIL BILL 2008-099. (Manley) (...staff recommend approval.)
Staff recommends approval, staff recommends approval-still without the articles.
Springfield is the third largest city in Missouri. Our governance system is a volunteer mayor, volunteer city council and paid city manager and paid staff. Who runs "the city"? Who is "the city"? Shall we keep the city council/city manager form of governance? Surely staff would recommend approval!
But perhaps it time to explore changing the charter and exploring a paid mayor / paid city council-alderman system? Would staff recommend approval?
I don't know. Springfield went to the city manager form of governance in 1953. I used to own an old truck, a 1953 Chevrolet.What was high tech in 1953 is just an old truck in 2008. I sold it to a guy who kept the motor and interior and junked the rest. Lots of stuff happened in 1953 and lots of things have changed with the times.
Meanwhile, back on the cold front, Blunt Appointee Steve Helms still fighting Communists and reverends who spew distasteful speech:
Rev. Wright made his living on spouting hate-filled words at a nation that has allowed him to live better than 99 percent of the rest of the world. Sheriff Jack Merritt, on the other hand, has spent his life putting himself in harm's way to protect people, even those who spew distasteful speech.Do I detect a 'tinge' of racism in that statement? I like Jason Wert's question: Steve, is it the position of the Metro Republicans and the Greene County [Circuit] Clerk's office that what Sheriff Merritt said was acceptable speech in today's environment?
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