Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Too Much Plunge, Not Enough Bus

Soemthing is wrong with the Bus. Received this email from a rider:

Yo, Missouri's most influential blogger! I think you have some weird glitch
on your blog ... every time I go to the BusPlunge site, my web browser crashes
.... somebody has put some bad mojo on you ... what's up with this?

I can't get on the bus from ATT Yahoo, I have to transfer in from Internet Explorer.

Is anyone else on blogspot having this problem?


  1. It's working fine for me, Jim.

  2. Firefox on my Mac is working fine although slow. My complaint is that every post shows up in Google Reader several times. Are you editing/posting multiple times?

  3. That's weird, Ole. My Google Reader is fine- no multiple posts. And, I can get to the blog just fine as well.

  4. Jim:
    I'm not having any problems with blogger. On another note, I found your story on the transparency in Springfield meetings interesting. Having represented a city and followed the shenanigans in our fair city I would be surprised if things weren't scripted. Happens all the time because as much as politicians like to talk about open government they don't like it.

  5. from your D.I.L= I get a script error as soon as the Plunge is pulled up. I can pull it up ok but the error comes up and stays until I exit out. Hasn't always done this.
