Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Vertical Thinking: A Christianist Code Word?

This guy thinks so.

So does this guy.

As well as this guy.

And this guy thinks so too.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Of course they do...there are people out there who can barely contain their contempt for anyone who's a Christian being involved in any way with government. If you can spin anything they say to try and stir up the base who believes the "Christian Taliban" level of rhetoric you try to do it.

    They're looking for any way to try and stir up anti-Christian feelings toward Huckabee. If he was truly using it in a Christian sense, he wouldn't have applied that to Obama because Obama doesn't advocate those positions like Huckabee may on some issues.

  3. hey, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Pastafarians - all can serve in government, and I would encourage them to do so. But none of them have the right to incorporate that which they take as an article of faith into public policy and infringe on my civil liberties in the process.

    Religion belongs in the church, synagogue, mosque, ashram, or meeting house. It does not belong in the halls of congress.

    Or in science classrooms, for that fact. But that's another argument.

  4. Interesting links. I read them and wrote a little about what I think over at the Corner. Linked into you here.

  5. So if it is true, then is it bad? Cosmic Variance, one of the links, makes reference to Senator Obama using code words and phrases to speak to different populations. Is it ok for him to address two groups at a time? Are we using a different standard of acceptability for a Democrat over a Republican or is it because one is speaking to a religious group? I guess I don't get the big deal unless the code is for something dastardly. I don't have a decoder ring but if he is telling me to drink more Ovaltine then maybe I would get mad but if it is that he is spending time praying, good for him.

  6. To me, it's not whether or not he's spending time praying that is the issue. If it works for him, I hope he is. It's that I think his religious views, some of which I diagree with, influence his politics, and I don't think it is right for Huckabee (or anyone) to become President and then try to govern from a position that tries to make other people live by his religious principles. When he talks about vertical thinking in politics, that's what I think he is saying he will do.

  7. Moral beliefs are the core of most people. To ask them to remove their morals from influencing their way of governing is ridiculous. (I am not talking about people who claim to be governed by their morals but clearly are just politicians trying to get elected) Some politicians have stated that their religious beliefs are why they support programs such as Socialized Medicine (sorry- the new term is Universal Healthcare) so should these politicians not force Universal Healthcare on those that do not believe the same way?

    As far as I can tell, as Governor, Huckabee has never tried to convert the people of Arkansas to Christianity. He has not declared State Sponsored Days of Prayer (which historically did occur in the 1700 and 1800s in many states). He has not forced his Christianity on people. Is he anti-abortion, yes but I know many people that are that are not religious and I know many people that are Pro-Choice that are religious.
