Mike Penprase, a reporter for the SN-L, started his story this way:
"It will be nine months before professional cyclists race in the 2008 Tour of Missouri, but Gov. Matt Blunt and other state officials will visit Springfield today to promote the race's economic benefits.You can read his whole article here.
They'll also release economic impact data on the inaugural 2007 Tour."
Then, the Beacon Hill Institute released its annual state competiviness report. Missouri slipped nine places since 2005 to 26th in the annual ranking of the competitiveness among US states. The Missouri Political News Blog has a complete article with related stories here.
Governor Blunt also had a rough time at a press conference yesterday.
Knowing about the lawsuit filed against the Governor by his former aide,
knowing that Tony Messenger of the SN-L has a lot of questions he would like to ask Governor Blunt,
is it any wonder that the Governor cancelled appearance in Springfield this afternoon?
btw: Bike racing is all about yellow jerseys. Well, red and white spandex also.
UPDATE: I spent all afternoon with my oldest grandson looking for portable skateboard ramps. We went to MC Sports which had mini ramps-not what we were looking for; Sam's-they had some before Xmas but sold out, now it is an online item only, $54.00 shipping charge; Kmart had one rail but no ramps; Walmart had nothing.
As a result I missed the update on Ozark Snow telling of the cancellation of the statewide tour to discuss the economic impact of the Tour of Missouri this afternoon. All the big wigs decided to avoid Springfield this afternoon.
Dang, I would have liked to hear how those guys answered questions from Tony Messenger and David Catonese. The politicos go back to their caves, the public loses another opportunity to learn the truth. I am glad we have reporters who stop these politicians and ask, "What are you doing?"
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There are only two kinds of bicycle racers.
Your question is a very good one.