Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fred Phelps---Hit Him Where It Hurts, In the Pocketbook

A Grieving Father wins an 11 million dollar judgement against Fred Phelps and his fundamentalist church.


  1. I hope he gets the U.S. Marshal's office invovled to kick them out of the church he now owns. I'd take it all, no mercy for the wicked.

  2. Yes, it's great, Jim! Let's start to use the courts to punish Christians for their religious views. The faster we can get these things done the faster we can imprison those who stand against liberal ideas because of that silly little Bible!

    No, I don't support Phelps and think his actions are abhorrent but I also do not think this court decision is going to be limited only to Phelps when certain activist groups get done with it...

  3. Jason, you may think you are right but anytime religion is used to denigrate another group of people, it ceases to be a religion.

    If Jesus were alive today, would he be a member of Fred Phelps church? (Notice how most of the news accounts call it "Fred Phelps church")....for that matter, if Jesus were alive today would he carry a gun and vote republican?
