Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bush Calls For Easier WireTap Rules

In his weekly radio address today, President Bush said "Today we face sophisticated terrorists who use disposable cell phones and the Internet to communicate with each other, recruit operatives, and plan attacks on our country."

"Technologies like these were not available when FISA was passed nearly 30 years ago, and FISA has not kept up with new technological developments.

"As a result, our nation is hampered in its ability to gain the vital intelligence we need to keep the American people safe."

Bushed urged lawmakers to work in a bipartisan manner to pass the legislation before leaving for August recess, saying: "Our national security depends on it."

Something's going on here: If the administration violated the law with eavesdropping, wire tapping and "other intelligence activities" and then passes a law which makes those illegal activities the administration engaged in legal,....what difference will it make?

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